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Find the best therapist in California for your needs on Grow Therapy. Grow Therapy has 669 verified therapists who are accepting new patients and have availability in the next 30 days. Grow Therapy verifies every therapist using our team of in-house specialists. Grow Therapy only shows therapists we know are active and accepting new patients.Find the best therapist in California for your needs on Grow Therapy. Grow Th...
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AetnaAetna - MedicareAll SaversAnthemAvMedBlue CrossBlue ShieldBlue Shield (MHSA)Carelon Behavioral Health (Commercial)Central California Alliance for Health (Commercial)Central California Alliance for Health (Medi-Cal)CignaEAP:CignaEAP:EvernorthEAP:UnitedHealthcare/OptumEvernorthGold Coast Health Plan (Medi-Cal)Golden RuleHarvard Pilgrim/UnitedHealthcare/OptumHealth Plan of San Joaquin (Medi-Cal)HumanaHumana - MedicareHumana Dual (Medicare & Medicaid)L.A. Care Health Plan (Commercial)