Are you struggling with a recent trauma or past traumas that have left you feeling like you are often questioning yourself and possibly feeling depressed or anxious? Are you dealing with daily stress or increased stress at work or school, at home, or in relationships? Are you still reeling from the pandemic or just feeling stuck? These situations can and should be worked through so that you can return to a happier, more peaceful life. Making a choice to come to therapy has been a healthy decision for you! Allowing yourself to remain in a state of depression, anxiety or stress can have negative effects on your long-term mental health, as well as your physical health. Choosing to make a change now, instead of waiting, is perfect. As a marriage and family therapist, I specialize in trauma, depression, and anxiety, as well as health psychology. I would be honored to work with you on your journey to a healthier and happier life. We will use personalized evidence-based techniques that will equip you with healthy and appropriate coping tools and strategies for current and future needs. Let’s get started.
During regular sessions, a client is presented with compassion and acceptance for who they are and their situation, without judgment or unrealistic expectations. A client can expect to receive validation for their efforts and encouragement to continue on. Most importantly, a client can expect to be heard by me during our sessions. A client can expect to have an honest and candid conversation with me in an environment that is safe. They will receive honest feedback from me, anything else is not useful. I do my best to keep sessions moving forward and as positive as possible, depending on the session topic. Clients can expect to learn new coping skills and strategies that are tailored to them and their situation.
I utilize a variety of treatment methods and tools. I strongly believe it is more important to have an array of skills and to utilize what is best for the client, instead of mastering just one or two and bending them to fit the client. CBT is always a great basic method that I use for everyone, then add on other methods as needed to meet the client's needs. Some of the additional methods include DBT for emotional regulation, as well as polyvagal-based treatment for chronic pain, or other physiological symptoms, and trauma management. I also utilize grief and loss therapy and internal family systems to treat trauma, depression, and anxiety. Basically, I use what is needed to treat the person who is in front of me during a session.
My greatest strengths are my honesty, respect, & the desire to keep learning more about treating mental health challenges... and my belief that my clients deserve no less. I want my clients to also make an effort to improve their mental health, so I will try to inspire and motivate them by showing them the best and easiest ways to face their challenges. I will listen with an open mind and without judgment. I have chosen to specialize in trauma because of the need for those services. I have learned how much trauma affects physical health and have enhanced my education in these areas greatly. I work diligently in learning as much as possible on how to decrease the impact of mental stress and trauma on long-term health, as well as staying current on new types of treatment.