Hi! I am a licensed Professional Counselor practicing in NJ. I received two Masters from Rowan University, one in Mental Health Counseling and the other in Counseling in an Educational Setting. I have been doing telehealth since January of 2023. I have extensive experience in helping clients with identifying their needs, setting attainable goals and working towards these goals at the client's own pace.
During our first session, we will spend time getting to know each other. Specifically, I will get an understanding of what you are looking to get out of therapy and together we can develop a plan for future sessions.
I like to allow the client's guide their treatment each session, while keeping them grounded and staying realistic. Together with my client's, we identify their ultimate goal, as well as smaller goals that will lead to meeting the ultimate goal.
I love working with client's who are ready to to understand their needs and eager to make some changes.
I help people learn to recognize when they are thinking negatively and to challenge those thoughts. I often use CBT helps client's find solutions to current problems, focusing on the present and not the past.
I focus on being supportive with my client's to help improve self-esteem and confidence. I focus on emotional support, encouragement, and validation during difficult life circumstances or psychological challenges.
I often help client's find solutions to their problems, despite their past experiences or mental diagnosis. I help client's take responsibility for their choices and behaviors by identifying their unmet needs and setting goals to meet these needs.