Hello! I am a Licensed Professional Counselor located in Pennsylvania. I have a wide array of experiences in the clinical field. My experiences include: 5 years working as a family therapist, 3 years working as a school and community based therapist, and 4 years working strictly as an out-patient therapist. I have experience working with all ages, as well as a wide array of diverse groups.
My typical first session with a client will allow me to get an overview of what you are struggling with presently. I also utilize our first session to gather background information in order to gain a better understanding of what past life experiences may have been impactful to you, specifically.
As a therapist, I pride myself on collaborating with my clients on identifying the root cause of the problem(s) and quickly finding solutions to help them move forward in a positive, less harmful, and productive way.
I have found particularly rewarding the opportunities I have had to work with the teenage through young-adult population, helping them to identify skills to manage an ever-changing and complex world.
I have been using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for almost a decade as a means to help clients identify, understand, and replace reoccurring thoughts that may cause anxiety, depression and act as barriers to other's understanding their full value and potential.