I am a licensed psychologist in PA, with a specialty in clinical psychology. For the past 30 years I have specialized in college mental health working iwht young adults and late adolescents from a variety of theoretical perspectives, specializing in individual, group therapy, and family therapy as well as hypnotherapy modalities. Prior to becoming a psychologist, I had training and experience with helping individuals and families with substance abuse, recovery from sexual, emotional and physical abuse history, and personality or interpersonal style problems.
Therapy works best when the client and therapist can build a trusting, genuine, confidential and supportive relationship. So, in first sessions, I collaborate with clients to identify the reasons they are seeking counseling, their goals for the process, and to begin to identify what may have created or led to the difficulties they are facing. I believe that all of us are trying to understand and make meaning in our lives, and sometimes need some specialized help to restore our balance and manage our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. My goal is to help you become whole, content, and to be your own therapist through this process.
I am a good match for clients who are seeking someone who cares about them, works to understand them from their perspective, is genuine, direct, and warm in the counseling approach. Having more than 30 years experience in counseling, with a wide variety of different individuals, presenting issues, therapy orientations, and modalities, I have a lot of knowledge and approaches to draw from.
I love working with young adults, families, late adolescents. I treat all of the common mental health problems, including mood disorders, anxiety, relationship, identity, stress, and self-esteem-based concerns. Also, I believe many of us benefit from having the support of therapy and support as we go through transitional periods in our lives, or are struggling with the common "problems in living" of relationship conflicts, self-doubt or making important decisions in our lives, or adjusting to change.
My primary theoretical orientation is an integrative, trans-theoretical approach. My doctoral training included practice and knowledge from all of the primary psychological theories, including psychodyanmic/attachment-based, interpersonal approaches, family systems, cognitive-behavioral, and existential-humanistic and person-centered perspectives and techniques. I have over 30 years of training and experience using wisdom and interventions from a variety of perspectives depending on what the clients prefers, what is evidenced-based, and adapting to the presenting problem.
I am educated and trained in culturally-competent, gender and orientation affirming therapy and meet clients from their perspective, appreciating their goals and values.
My doctoral research was based on ethics and feminist-informed perspectives in relationship-building, egalitarian approaches, and understanding of the particular burdens and boundary-conflicts of female-identifying persons in the predominant culture.
I have seven years of graduate training, 30 years of practice using hypnosis, and an additional 15 years of continuing education in using hypnotherapy as an integrated technique to help clients.
I have over 40 years of experience, and a doctoral specialty in the practice of family therapy with adolescents and their families (14 years and older)