Hello! My name is Marissa and I am a licensed professional counselor practicing in the states of Virginia (in person and virtual) and D. C. (virtual). I provide therapy to adults, teens and children of all ages. Sessions with me are client lead, but I can be firm for those who may need a nurturing push. As Nationally Board Certified Counselor, I have experience working with couples, families, individuals and groups. I specialize in trauma, family dynamics and personal growth. If you are seeking couples therapy, I will require both parities to establish an account in my portal so that both parties have access to communication.)
In our first session, I look to you as the expert in your needs and wants. We will discuss what brought you in for therapy and explore what is most important for you. Together we ill determine our treatment goals and discuss how we will best work well together. If you are using insurance, I am required to discuss and identify a diagnosis. We will also discuss the frequency of treatment and what you can expect from me.
Over the past 10 years I have developed the ability to meet clients where they are in a nurturing way. Success has come from my ability to be firm in the goals that we developed together.
I enjoy helping people of all ages on their journey to healing. Clients should be prepared to talk about the "uncomfortable", laugh and maybe even cry as we explore your needs. For my younger kiddos, play or movement may be incorporated into our session.
Working with clients to understand their feelings, thoughts and actions. CBT is an effective way to help you utilize tools to work though issues in your ever day life.
Couples counseling creates a safe space for you and your partner to explore your relationship and work towards your goals as a couple. Sometimes this involves seperation or can be a decision to recommit to you relationship.
Working through lived experiences with someone who is well versed in race relations is critical to healing through some wounds. With an understanding of the impact our culture has on our lives, healing can be achieved without your cultural identity feeling minimized.
Counseling sessions are client lead. The foundation of a great experience I'm therapy is the relationship between the therapist and the client. Allowing space for the client to make decisions about their goals and needs is a critical part to your healing journey.