Hello there! I chose to become a therapist because I have found that in my own experience, it has been a valuable tool in coping with life's difficulties and I don't know what I would have done without the support of an actual person that was non-judgmental, supportive, and encouraging. Eventually, I decided to pursue this as a profession and the road was long, but the journey was exciting. Self-growth and exploration are core to my purpose in life. I look forward to being a witness to your own self-growth journey as well!
The first meeting is generally an overall assessment of your current situation (summary of life stressors) and any personal goals you may have in mind. I tend to gather a brief descriptive of your background (such as family dynamics and cultural influences) to gain a better understanding of who you are and where you're coming from.
I provide honest, gentle feedback when warranted, and come from a strength-based approach (so I look for the positive in you and help you to do the same)!
I enjoy working with adult individual clients interested in their own self growth and have a curiosity to better understand themselves. I work well with those who feel ready to dive in with talk therapy. When dealing with a traumatic event or difficult life circumstance, a therapist can help get you from point A to point B to better cope with the situation. I tend to be eclectic, utilizing a wide array of modalities, such as DBT/CBT, Humanistic, Rogerian, Positive, and Solution-Focused.
I find that helping clients to reframe their thoughts (or change the way they think about the situation/a new outlook) can help with reducing emotional response related to negative core beliefs. I can help with supporting you to identify patterns of behavior and thoughts which could be creating barriers to your own self growth.
Similar to CBT, I enjoy supporting clients by listening to the story they share and then support the client in forming alternative approaches in how to view the situation/themselves/or others around them.
I am by far an eclectic therapist, which means utilizing a wide range of modalities geared towards what the individual resonates with (a mix of CBT, DBT, Emotion Focused, Solution Focused, et cetera). Lastly, I see the client as an equal partner, and practice 'unconditional positive regard' (the Rogerian approach of providing unbiased support without harsh judgment or criticism, and views client as captain of their own ship with the therapist as co-captain).
I value holistic approaches that aim to help regulate a client's nervous system, like belly breaths, visualization, and utilizing the five senses. In session, when clients are experiencing high anxiety or find a need to manage intense emotions, I tend to work with the client in facilitating body scans, and various grounding exercises.
In therapy, I believe that when a client talks out loud about a problem or situation, they gain new insights. With the guidance of a therapist asking open-ended questions to further raise self awareness, clients can become more empowered and feel a better sense of clarity around their truth. I provide a safe space, an unconditional positive regard / non-judgmental attitude so that clients can learn to self-reflect openly and honestly.