Melissa McVan a Licensed Mental Health Counselor provides therapy in South Florida to children, families, and adults. Utilizing multiple interventions she specializes in individual therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. Melissa focuses on self-worth with her clients promoting their overall well-being. More recently Melissa has been able to provide virtual therapy sessions for her clients with this preference.
I like to review provided intake packet with clients during their first session just to get to know them better and learn the desired areas of focus within our sessions.
Melissa’s intricate approach focuses on a individual’s strengths with the intention to move in the direction of a healthy outlook and well-being. Melissa promotes one’s talents, gifts, and skills and works to further explore how her clients are able to apply these throughout their life experience.
Anxiety, Depression, Healthy relationships, emotional well-being, Coping skills, effective communication, Bi Polar, personality disorders
CBT is used in the majority of my sessions to identify unhelpful thinking patterns and explore beneficial alternatives.