Hi! I am a dually licensed therapist in both Florida and North Carolina. I began my education later in my adult life, and believed I had arrived late to the game. But I found that life experience paired with my own belief system, allowed me the opportunity to view life's challenges through a unique lens, and because of that I am non-judgmental and empathetic towards people who are struggling with the hurts life has dealt them. I believe in using a collaborative approach in helping my clients. I use evidence-based practices, including CBT, DBT, Mindfulness, and Motivational Therapy, as well as Christian Counseling. I am supportive, yet direct with empathy, compassion and help you address the barriers in your life that are causing you pain and distress.
In our first session together, we'll start with brief introductions, then dive into the specific challenges you're facing and what goals you would like to work towards. This will help me create a tailored plan for us to work through in follow-up sessions.
Having worked in mental health and addiction for over ten years, I've developed a tried-and-true playbook for helping (a) identify the root cause of your challenges and (b) create a tailored plan that leads to measurable progress.
Many of us go through life with low self-esteem believing that we're not enough, less than, or undeserving of any good thing. We wonder why good things don't happen for us, or why we can't have healthy relationships like others do. We feel guilt and shame for the things we've done (or not done) and we don't know how to believe in ourselves anymore. I am here to help you through these unhealthy beliefs and help you rediscover your true worth and purpose in this life.I have experience with those who are battling addiction issues, as well as individuals who are experiencing relationship issues due to low self-esteem. In addition, many of my clients have been helped with their anxiety, depression, and codependency. I have found, and research is showing that codependency is often at the heart of all of addiction and relationship issues.
I believe that how we think controls how we behave, so I encourage my clients to replace their negative core beliefs with truth about who they are. They learn to replace the unhealthy thoughts with healthier thoughts by discussions, worksheets, and handouts.
I use DBT when I have a client who has out of control emotions or doesn't know what they are actually feeling. I teach them radical acceptance, mindfulness, and self-soothing.
I use scripture and biblical principles with my clients who request Christian Counseling. Through a Christian approach I have worked with many individuals struggling with low self-esteem, purpose, guilt and shame, and a variety of other life's obstacles and helping clients resolve them.
I use scripture and biblical principles to those clients who request this type of counseling. Through a Christian approach I have worked with many individuals struggling with low self-esteem, purpose, guilt and shame, and a variety of other life's obstacles and helping clients resolve them.
I teach my clients about grief and the many facets of how we express grief. I show empathy and compassion for their loss. I often send them a handout on the 5 stages of grief and sometimes suggest they write a good-bye letter or do a sentence completion worksheet if necessary.