Hi! I am Missy Davison, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Texas. I have been practicing for over 15 years as well as treating trauma, anxiety, depression and other symptoms that come with life. I use evidence-based trauma treatments to help my clients. My approach to therapy is based on the needs of my client. My base treatment is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (CBT). I believe if we think about something long enough, we believe it and become it. Once we change our thoughts, we change our emotions and behaviors. You will learn how to challenge and change your thoughts through various ways that work best for you, to begin healing.
In our first session, we will get to know each other. I want this to be a space where you feel completely comfortable and safe. We will discuss the things that are bothering you and the progress you want to see. Then make a plan to begin your healing journey.
I have worked with kids, teens, adults as well as families for over 15 years that have experienced trauma. I have expertise in various evidence-based treatments that have proven to help reduce anxiety, depression and improve daily living. I have advanced experience and knowledge to know the best treatment for my client so they can start healing.
I love seeing teens and adults. It is my passion to see clients that know there is more to life than the constant anxiety, stress, depression and just feeling "stuck" because of "life" and all the changes and/or trauma that comes with it. It’s an honor to work with clients that want to make progress and heal, giving them back their lives.
I have used Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for trauma, anxiety, and depression for over 15 years. I believe our thoughts are our greatest help or greatest hurt to ourselves. If we think about something long enough, we believe it and become it. This can be helpful or unhelpful. Our thoughts are powerful, but we create them. Once we change our thoughts, we change our emotions and behaviors. You will learn how to challenge and change your thoughts through various ways that work best for you. CBT has helped dozens of clients challenge reoccurring thoughts and manage anxiety. We will use CBT to help lead a less anxious and stressed life.
My faith is very important to me, I grew up as a preacher’s kid. My life experience and relationship with God has been imperative in becoming the therapist I am today. I believe using evidenced based therapeutic techniques with biblical principles are key in helping clients of faith heal. Where general therapy ends faith/relationship with God IS and this gives a deeper level for healing to clients. We will utilize both evidence-based treatment and biblical principles to help you heal and find peace in your life.
I have had experience in treating trauma for over 15 years. CPT is an evidence-based trauma treatment that is generally 12-sessions and is used to treat PTSD. CPT teaches how to evaluate and change upsetting thoughts since the trauma occurred. I have used this treatment with many clients who have experienced trauma, and it has improved their quality of life greatly. CPT will provide skills to evaluate thinking and alternative viewpoints of the trauma, oneself and the world. It will reduce feelings of anxiety, anger, guilt, shame and improve day-to-day living.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective method proven to help people recover from trauma and PTSD symptoms. Ongoing research supports EMDR therapy as a helpful treatment for disorders such as anxiety, depression, and other distressing life experiences. I have over 15 years of treating trauma. EMDR is an exceptional treatment that allows you to process trauma without having to talk about the upsetting event(s) by processing through sensations thoughts, emotions and imagery. I have used EMDR with many clients and the positive progress is outstanding.
I am Nationally Certified in TF-CBT and have used this treatment for over 12 years. I have seen firsthand how highly effective this treatment is. TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents impacted by trauma. It successfully resolves a broad array of emotional and behavioral difficulties associated with single, multiple and complex trauma experiences.