Hi! I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based out of California. I have been in practice for approximately 10 years now, helping families manage and overcome challenges that life brings. I have assisted adolescents with managing through challenging emotions. I have assisted young adults in managing through life transitions and developmental milestones. I have assisted many others in managing and overcoming traumas.
In our first session, we will do introductions, I will ask a series of questions to better understand your challenges and assess the situation. I then will present to you my conclusion of what may seem to be happening from the limited information gathered. We will discuss a tailored plan for treatment to target your challenges, afterwards you can decide if the plan sounds good to you and would like to continue our work together.
As a bilingual therapist and working with the Spanish speaking population, I have seen my patients being able to express themselves in both languages and feeling relief that I can relate to their culture when they are having challenges explaining certain aspects of their lives. Being able to provide my clients with understanding on their challenges has also contributed to their ability to make progress in their treatment goals.
I enjoy working with individuals who are willing to try something different despite being hesitant or even afraid of what change may bring. I enjoy serving individuals who are inquisitive and reflective and willing to explore and implement new skills for self improvement.
I have seen clients improve their symptoms of anxiety and process traumas by implementing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy interventions. In treatment I provide education on the connection between their thoughts, feelings and actions, how it manifest in their lives currently and how to adjust or correct thoughts and beliefs to make improvements.
I have seen clients improve in their communication with others and in their relationship interactions as they implement Interpersonal Therapy interventions. In therapy we explore attachment styles and explore how it impedes communication with others and interacting with others. Once there is that awareness, we have an opportunity to make adjustments and changes to improve in relationships and communication.
I have seen clients improve in their response to triggers as a result from trauma. I have seen them improve in their awareness to better regulate their responses to trauma. In treatment I start off with improving in mindfulness and emotional regulation. Then, we move on to targeting unhelpful thoughts and beliefs as a result of the trauma that is causing impairments in the client's life. Finally, we focus on making new meaning of the trauma experience.