John Ege, LPC - Therapist at Grow Therapy

John Ege

John Ege


13 years of experience

I have been practicing as a counselor since 2012, in variety of settings from church settings to hospitals, with the longest stint in a community mental health clinic. I provide talk therapy, helping clients discover the unconscious patterns in their lives that may be holding them back. Outside of my academic and counseling career, I have faced and overcome my own mental health challenges. There is no one answer that serves all, but there is one best answer that fits you. Let's see if we can find it.

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

The initial session is mostly discovery. I learn about you, your concerns, your histories, your failures, your successes, your goals, and ultimately how to help you determine your optimum resolutions to life's challenges. In this process, you also are learning about me, determining whether you are comfortable and confident in me guiding the process.

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

For the longest time, I favored intelligence. It is only been since developing a greater sense of emotional intelligence that I discovered balance is preferable. Have you ever seen a bird fly with one wing? If you row a boat faster on the left oar than the right, you go in circles. We have two hemispheres, you need both working together to navigate. I am knowledgeable in variety of areas, academics, science, arts, music, and esoteric literature. At one time, I was a musician and an aircraft mechanic. I have traveled the world and have cultural competency. At 56, the one thing I find the most beneficial for self and my social circles is being genuine and being kind.

About John Ege

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My treatment methods

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

If intelligence alone was sufficient to overcome depression and anxiety, there would be no smart depressed and anxious people. I am truly eclectic, tapping into existential and transpersonal, but building competencies in multiples domains boosts confidence which tends to decrease symptoms.