Hi, I am an advanced practice Nurse certified in Mental Health. I have been a registered nurse. I evaluated, assessed, interpreted labs, diagnosed, medicated if warranted, prescribed, given therapy, and developed a treatment to assist in stabilizing her mental health. I will assist clients in reviewing their non-pharmaceutical interventions and therapies, helping them be aware of their newfound coping skills and maneuver through the changes that they are struggling with. Psychiactric Evaluation- 300 Medication Follow up visit - 100.00
In my first session, I will ask why you need a mental health specialist, ask you when your symptoms start, review all of your symptoms, and ask what you tried before your first appointment with me.
I believe in a holistic approach, review theorists, and let you know what to expect as time progresses. I will start medication when indicated and assess efficacy and side effects. I will start medication and doses that cause the least amount of side effects. I will also take the time to educate you on the types of medications, potential side effects, and potential adverse reactions.
I care for patients diagnosed with ADHD ( request testing by a licensed psychologist), Depression, Anxiety, and Mood Disorders.
Definition of CBT therapy Exercises to have effective CNT therapy 1. Engage in Problem Solving 2. Restructure Thoguts 3. Break Task into smaller more managable task 4. Schedule new actives 5. Practice mindful medication and relaxation breathing
Focus on a Higher Being Journal pass experiences when life was hard - and how traumatic experiences worked out Encourage healing Spritual healing
Review of 988 Hot line Suicide-Specific Breif Intervention - Teachable Brief interventions, Motivation Interview, Crisis Response Planning and Safety, Attemted Suicid Short Intervention
Faith-based counseling provide emotional and spiritual support that can help you deal with issues.
Motivation interviewing to help strengthen a person's own motivation for and commmiment to change. 1) open-ended question 2) affirmation 3) reflective listening 4) Summaring