Hi, I've been a Clinical Social Worker for over 20 years. I have worked with a wide variety of ages, including children, teens, young adults, and adults. In addition, I have worked with many families and am well-versed in parenting support. I have done clinic-based work, home-based work, and currently, on a part-time basis, I provide equine-assistsed therapy. I truly believe that all people have the answers to their own problems and consider my clients the "experts" on themselves. Supporting people to take charge of their lives and reach their potential is extremely important to me. I complete thorough assessments and work hard to streamline diagnoses, as many people have too many "labels" attached to them. I am also certified in Accelerated Resolution Therapy, which is an eye movement therapy, similar to EMDR, that helps people suffering from trauma, as well as anxiety and depression. My hobbies include fishing, walking, gardening, horseback riding, and traveling. I own an English Bulldog, an Olde English Bulldogge, a 110 pound American Staffordshire Terrier, and two horses.
In the first session, I work towards simply building rapport. I will spend time asking questions about the type of therapist they are looking for, what their previous experience has been with therapy, if any, and what they want to get out of our time together. I encourage the clients to ask me questions as well. I do my best to complete a thorough assessment, as hearing their story, down to the last detail, is very important to me. With that said, I am not overly concerned with diagnosing, but more on identifying patterns of thinking and behavior that are barriers for people. I am also clear about my expectations for therapy which are simple: participate, take risks, and be open to new ways of thinking
I have a wide variety of experience in the mental health field and there is not much that can offend, frighten, or shock me. I easily establish therapeutic relationships with my clients. I am down to earth, have a great sense of humor, and believe that while therapy can be difficult and scary, it can also be fun. I have been told I am "folksy" and people find my laid-back style welcoming.
Bridget McConnell offers therapy covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield - Medicaid and UCare - Medicaid in Minnesota.
I have been working with children and their families throughout my career. I support people in identifying their attachment style and then work with them to identify how this style negatively affects their past and present relationships. From there, we work towards learning how to establish more secure relationships with others.
This is another treatment modality that I have used throughout my career. I teach people the key concepts of CBT and then work with them to identify the changes they need to make in their thinking. At times, workbooks may be utilized if the client is open to that type of intervention.
I have utilized motivational interviewing for years. It is helpful to gauge where people are at in the Stages of Change, so that I know where to begin. Typically, this is something I utilize with every client I see. Once we identify which Stage of Change the person is in, we work on moving forward. The Stage of Relapse is taught to be expected and as a learning tool, not as a mistake or something to be ashamed of.
I have worked with families throughout my career and have supported many parents in making beneficial changes to their parenting style. I help them to identify their current parenting style and how it works or doesn't work with their child/children. I am able to provide parents with concrete parenting methods that they can implement right away. If they are not ready to implement due to their own mental health issues, then I focus on the parents first.
I have always taken bits and pieces from many therapeutic modalities when working with people. I do my best to use methods that the client is most comfortable with and that works for them. I strongly believe that my clients are "driving the bus" so to speak, and I am simply the tour guide, pointing out important areas of interest along the way.