Are you searching for someone to listen to you? For many years, I have heard over and over, “Thank you, I have just been wanting someone to listen to me”. I have always felt led to sit and listen when a client went from answering assessment questions to opening up and spilling their heart. Assessment is essential to begin building a relationship between a client and counselor. However, I believe listening is just as important. I have been a licensed social worker for over 29 years working with clients in healthcare settings and case management. I have now been a licensed professional counselor for the last five years. My love for helping people learn how to help themselves and believe they can retrain their brain to achieve what they want inspired me to seek my my own career goal of returning to school and becoming a licensed counselor. With my clients over the years, I have gained experience in helping them work through stress, anxiety, depression, family dynamics, job loss, marital problems, physical limitations and/or disabilities, as well as long term life-altering situations. These situations brought me to work with adults of all ages due to the circumstances affecting relationships with family and friends. I am a wife, a mother of two young adult children, a mother-in-law, a sister and a daughter myself. I understand and know how family dynamics affect an individual’s physical and emotional health in all aspects of their daily lives.
In our first session we will be able to review your intake information (completed prior to session), and fill in any further needed details that are pertinent. This will allow us to move on to you being able to share the main reason you have reached out for counseling. It is very important for us to establish a comfortable and trusting flow of communication so that you can begin to untangle your stressors and make sense of possible coping skills and solutions.
In my years of working as a professional, I have had the opportunity to work in new born adoption, nursing facilities, acute hospital and case management. This experience has allowed me to work with adults of all ages, family systems and help individuals and their families work through personal, health and life changing events. This has provided me with much needed experience working with client's of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. I have always been able to stop, listen and give my undivided attention to those needing someone to listen to them. This requires patience and the ability to allow the client to feel comfortable in sharing their circumstances, thoughts and feelings with no judgement. Working in a hospital setting during a world wide pandemic was not something any of us expected. It was not just life changing for the patients, but for me as a professional as well. We made it to the other side of that unexpected life altering experience. It wasn't easy, but I am a stronger professional for the experience.
The counseling portion of my social work responsibilities has always been my passion; which eventually led me to get my Masters degree in counseling and start my own private counseling practice. I have worked in healthcare environments with young adults, middle aged adults and seniors in their homes, and in healthcare facilities for 29 years. I have also supported their family members/caregivers going through life transitions while caring for loved ones health needs throughout that span of time. In all of these situations stress tends to cause anxiety and depression for everyone involved. I love to help my clients and/or family members see through the fog of their situation and be able to see light on the other side of what is currently going on in their lives.
It is important to allow clients to feel and acknowledge their feelings in order to more understand them. As they are able to process and more understand their feelings, it is easier for them to learn to retrain their brain and stay in control of their reactions to feelings. This will allow clients to choose to change their behaviors in order to see positive change in their lives. This process will also help to see the light at the end of the tunnel as they become more in control of their own reactions and behaviors in response to stressful situations that life tends to bring.
You know yourself better than anyone else. I want to hear from you why you are seeking counseling and what you need to get from therapy. As follow up sessions move on it is imperative to allow the client to voice their main issue and what they need help with in moving forward toward meeting their goals.
Adlerian theory is based on our history, upbringing, family roles, child hood environment and experiences having a major influence in how we navigate through life. Seeing why you react to stress as you do, may allow you to see more clearly how to gain more control in changing thoughts, behaviors and reactions to get wanted outcomes.