Jahthaime Smith MS, is a licensed counselor who specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Ecological Theory to help clients identify thinking patterns and societal influences contributing to imbalance. Originally from NYC, this counselor brings his diverse spiritual, cultural, and mental cultivation to therapy. I invite you to Therapy at Evergreen Telecounseling! This agency specializes in how culture, society, and the environment affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
During our first session, we'll discuss your background, what brought you to therapy, and establish goals for therapy.
Successful therapy is measured by two things: the goals have been met; symptoms have been reduced or eliminated.
Clients who struggle with low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety, I implore you to order my book, "Battle Depression Now." Order it directly from me texting (206) 705-6260 or cling this link to order on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Depression-Now-Behavioral-Techniques/dp/B09ZQ7V694/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1W0VR9Z846VAJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.l9VIE5hrko9iA__Nts5RGV0XLzM5cGmbmiAjJR6YKCNrFH76HjVLGQZgB-KrmA-nL6qzWlTwkaQ4X3xXKv7JOzE1uLaHXxuUTjgGg84rPddbHqHBU_TL9PjVsjV2zezjqT834jbYkipa-QstvFZ30b8cqfD1K7btpAbrclr20GImyVdBYgZp3NOKSC1SOtwbrkOsGJnhghGGa05RnKKDsqlBwt1x7NIpy22FaU2K3TM.N0J8xZqOvvIYzNbJRIEAJAFJvppXfVoEMO2jVGQEVtA&dib_tag=se&keywords=battle+depression+now&qid=1725862206&sprefix=%2Caps%2C341&sr=8-1
Jahthaime Smith offers therapy covered by Central California Alliance for Health (Medi-Cal), Gold Coast Health Plan (Medi-Cal), L.A. Care Health Plan (Medi-Cal), Orange County Mental Health Plan (Medi-Cal), Partnership HealthPlan of California (Medi-Cal) and San Francisco Health Plan (Medi-Cal) in California.
We will utilize the book "Battle Depression Now" as a guide for treatment. Exercises you can do outside of the therapy room.