I have 23 years of experience working with clients who struggle with depression, anxiety, trauma, and grief. I'm privileged to have worked with a multitude of cultures, communities and organizations aimed to address both personal and environmental stressors which lead to unique feelings and responses. I provide coping skills to manage anger behaviors that arise from life events, relationships and traumas. I provide therapeutic homework which allows you to practice independently the skills that are taught in therapy.
My mission is to assist you with leading and living a more productive and authentic life. Naturally, increasing awareness of how emotions influence behaviors and relationships. You will identify and understand the difference between situations you can't control and exerting your efforts in situations you can control. You will begin to consciously pour into yourself and learn to safeguard your peace while submerging in self-care and creating boundaries.
My theoretical orientation is cognitive behavioral therapy. The focus is on how your thought, belief, and behavior triad drives your emotions which influences your behavior, causing damage in your most interpersonal relationships. I will provide you with therapeutic techniques to change this pattern and support you through this difficult time.
I am a certified Anger Management facilitator. I also specialize in Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Grief and Loss. I am also an Ally of the LGBTQ+1 community.