I have served military families for 12 years. Military and civilian families share many of the same issues. Military families tend to deal with and experience multiple relocations. This means moving children to new schools, dealing with household packing and unpacking and stress in general. Civilian and military couples sometimes experience communication issues, disloyalty in the relationship or other stressful issues which cause conflict to arise. Some or all of these issues can be addressed and clients can find solutions agreeable to the parties involved.
Clients who attend the initial therapy session can expect Ms. May to share briefly, her personal history and what the average client can expect from her. Clients will be asked but not pressured to share their history and reasons why therapy seemed to be an option. Ms. May has been a counselor and therapist since 2002. She has also counseled numerous couples, individuals and families in South Korea, Japan and Germany.
Ms. May has civilians and military-connected families for many years. She also worked as a school-based counselor for three years. Ms. May especially enjoys the experience of observing families who find remedies and solutions for their issues.
My ideal clients are those children and families who experience stress and conflict and are willing to attend enough sessions to remediate some or all of the issues. Weekly plans can be placed into effect, giving families or couples a map to success. Children will usually play board or other games with this therapist as issues are being discussed and suggestions are made during each session.
The client can begin to understand how behavior affects daily life and those with whom the client interfaces. Clients also learn how to avoid some conflicts, put others at ease, and meet set goals. Simply put, clients may learn how to act and react to others. Behavior speaks louder than words.
Persons who believe in a higher power are usually able to receive hope in communicating with that higher power. Christian counseling teaches faith in the deity, Jesus, believed by many to be the Son of God.
Couples who agree to come to counseling and show up on a regular basis tend to show faster improvement in their relationship. At least half of the couples who attend therapy on a regular basis, are able to reach mutual agreements. Those couples are usually able to come to reconciliation or divorce in a peaceful, planned manner.