Hello, I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in California. I received my masters from University of Southern California and have been practicing for 9 years. I have been helping adults from 18 to 60 for anxiety and depression and work on to increase their self-compassion and competence.
In our first session, I would like to address your life struggles and expectations and goals from therapy, and then we will discuss our course of treatment including the duration and modalities.
Being vulnerable and opening up about our own struggles are challenging, and most people might experience shame and anxiety, so I try to provide safe and validating environment as much as possible.
I would like to work with clients who are willing to explore what makes them stuck and eager to find a way out. My role is to encourage and cheerlead clients, and I get your back with skills building, so you are the driver for the therapeutic process.
My main focuses for CBT are to understand why it is making sense to think and behave in a certain way, and assist clients to get unstuck from it. I feel like my clients are experiencing a lot of shame for even talking about it, so I strongly work on self-validation and compassion to process their struggles and find a way out.
I utilize DBT skills a lot because our private experiences and emotional sensitivities are not always understood by others, and we suffer from self-judgment and self-criticism. My goals for DBT are to increase self-respect/compassion and decrease self-invalidation/shame.
Exposure is challenging because we need to directly approach our fear, but we want to avoid or escape from the distress. For the reason, I spend a lot of time to motivate and cheerlead my clients to overcome their struggles.
A lot of people went through some sorts of traumas in the past, and our views toward self, other and world might be impacted negatively. I like that CPT is helpful for clients to reorganize their own thoughts and belief about safety, trust, power/control, esteem and intimacy. I think even partially processing traumas through CPT is effective because there is a big part of psychoeducation and skills building.