Jenna Rennells, PMHNP - Psychiatric NP at Grow Therapy

Jenna Rennells

Jenna Rennells

3 years of experience

I'm a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner on a mission to change lives. I specialize in diagnosing behavioral health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and more, and treating those with appropriate, evidence-based medications and brief therapy, depending on a patient's goals. Patients are seen for initial psychiatric evaluations where we diagnose and discuss appropriate treatment options. From there, we will schedule for monthly medication review visits until patients feel they are stable.

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

We will dive into your current symptoms, situation, and history in this initial 60 minute visit, the "psychiatric evaluation." You'll complete some screenings to help guide our conversation and treatment approach, including the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 screenings for depression and anxiety. We will discuss your childhood/upbringing, prior treatment for mental health conditions, family history of mental health disorders, current living situation, social relationships, appetite, sleep, alcohol and drug use, and more. Based on information gathered, I will be reviewing the DSM-5 (the guide book to diagnosing things like major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder) to see what diagnoses you may or may not qualify for. From there, we will discuss treatment options such as medications and/or therapy.

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

I am compassionate, genuine, and my heart is in every patient encounter. I am told that I am a great listener and have great empathy for the patients I serve. I consider it such a privilege and honor to be even a small part of my patient's lives and stories.

About Jenna Rennells

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My treatment methods

Psychological Testing And Evaluation

I have been employed over the last 3 years doing strictly psychiatric evaluations and medication reviews. I specialize in diagnosing mental health conditions and discussing treatment options.