Hi, my name is Nancy Nelson. I specialize in Anxiety, OCD, and Postpartum Anxiety/Depression. I have over 8 years of clinical experience. I collaboratively work with clients to help them suffer less, understand themselves more, and recognize triggers and overcome them with self-agency.I worked in inpatient psychiatric as a social worker years before I decided to be a therapist. After 4 years of being a therapist, I found myself gravitating more towards in treating those who have Anxiety/OCD/Post Partum-Depression/Anxiety. Working together with me, you will be in a client-centered, respectful, and understanding environment. I specialize in CBT: ERP, RF-ERP, and ICBT (Inference-based CBT). I have completed intensive trainings by renowned Dr. Reid Wilson, Dr. Todd Pressman, Dr. Michael Greenberg and ICBT expert Katherine Goldhouse, LICSW.
Clients should expect to be well-informed on what to expect in therapy and what are treatment options. Clients will learn to skills to manage and alleviate their symptoms.
I believe with proper support and facilitating, one can gain immense insights and skills to achieve a higher quality of life. I work collaboratively with clients in the planning and achieving goals. After 4 years of being a therapist, I found myself gravitating more towards in treating those who have Anxiety/OCD/Post Partum-Depression/Anxiety. I found myself being effective in treating those areas. Nothing is more rewarding than watching clients spiral out of a deep hole and to be able to see the light and freedom from their symptoms.
I work with clients who have OCD, ruminations/negative thinking patterns, and postpartum anxiety/depression
I specialize in CBT: ERP, RF-ERP, and ICBT (Inference-based CBT). I work with clients who have OCD and/or ruminations/negative thinking patterns. I collaboratively work with clients to help them suffer less, understand themselves more, and recognize triggers and overcome them with self-agency.
I specialize in CBT: ERP, RF-ERP, and ICBT (Inference-based CBT). I work with clients who have OCD and/or ruminations/negative thinking patterns. I collaboratively work with clients to help them suffer less, understand themselves more, and recognize triggers and overcome them with self-agency.