Dr Ahmed served as an educator, and trained students in the master’s and Doctoral Programs in clinical skills. She served on several Professional Boards. published her scholarly work in reputed Journals; presented at International and National Conferences; received several grants for Collaborative Research. I specialize in the areas of Stress Management, Relationship Issues, Conflict Management and Self Esteem Issues. Dr Ahmed’s Theoretical Orientations are very Eclectic/Integrative: Cognitive Behavior Family Therapy, Solution Focus Family Therapy, Strategic Family, Therapy and Person-Centered Therapy. Existential and Experiential.
Unconditional Positive Regard, Empathy and Congruence. The first session I work on connecting with the client, meeting each client where he/she is and what are they seeking.
Clients feel connected, heard and feel safe. I try to role model to be proud of self, focus on positives and strive for best
I cater to the needs of my clientele who are very diverse in Race, Ethnicity, Religiosity, Culture, Sexual Orientation. I provide them a space to express, feel heard and receive the tools to work and progress. Clients walk in with hope and need to change. My goal is to focus on their needs
family relationships and dynamics, parent child relationship, parenting styles and impact on children and adolescents
Bowlby Attachment styles, four quadrant are given and each attachment style is discussed to recognize and take ownership
Family Constellations and life style. Family structure and changing family structure
I give them handout for cognitive distortions to explore and discuss. I ask clients to process their belief systems and and belief systems and find the origin for their belifs
acceptance of facts , acknowledging, recognizing and working on issues and getting self empowered