I am an authentic adult woman who has had life experience in addiction, followed by years of education and professional experiences that all combined make me knowledgeable, empathetic, recovery focused and able to provide hope, courage and solutions to anyone who is struggling. I know from my own personal journey that recovery from childhood struggles, low self-esteem, addiction, and hopelessness, can be acknowledged, addressed and healed with the support of the right therapist. I am present and nonjudgmental. I will validate your personal experiences and walk with you on the path of recovery, moving toward happiness and personal fulfillment.
My personal and professional styles when meeting someone for the first time are very similar. I am curious, interested and sensitive to personal boundaries. I am polite and happy to meet them. The first session is low key and sets the tone for the next few sessions. The first few sessions really are about building a connection, developing a sense of trust and safety as well as helping the individual determine goals to work on in therapy. I want the client to feel comfortable and allow for their vulnerable selves to emerge at their own pace. My style is to pay attention to the individuals subtle and not so subtle shifts when sharing about their lives and to notice areas that they may want to revisit when appropriate. For example, if a client becomes tearful every time she mentions her sister, and a certain point I will probe more deeply into those emotions that are connected to that relationship.
My greatest strengths as a provider is my authentic personality, my sensitivity and humor, my intuition, and my willingness to be daring at times. I listen to my intuition, which has been developed through trials and tribulations as well as education and experience and I use this intuition to steer treatment. I may not always be correct but I will continue to navigate the process through active listening and reflection as well as by building on the relationship.
My focus is on applying recovery principles to all of life's challenges. This approach allows for an individual to move from problems to solutions in a self-paced, proactive manner. I can assist anyone who has experienced addiction, individuals with a mental health diagnosis that need support, individuals who are going through transitional phases of life including moving through independence as a young adult, navigating the middle stages of life, and coming to terms with personal aging with gratitude, acceptance and healing.
Barbara Egan offers therapy covered by Health Plan of San Joaquin - Medi-Cal in California.
It is important to have a trusted therapist assist the client when their perceptions and automatic thoughts are faulty and not reality based. We all have automatic thoughts that, in some cases need to be challenged, explored and redefined to promote healthy and realistic beliefs about ourselves.
I approach all clients with care and compassion. I do not judge any past, present or future behaviors because we are all humans, trying our best to understand the world around us and where we fit.
My approach incorporates multiple theoretical leanings including being my authentic self with humor and courage. I hope to create an environment in which the overall goal is to heal and move onward in the recovery journey. I am Solution Focused and Strengths Based with ongoing recovery principles of honesty, authenticity, accountability and support. We are all in this together.