Hi there, I'm Tiffany . Does this sound like you? Something happened to you (or someone you love) a month ago, a year ago, or years ago. You have tried everything you know to "move on" yet the mere thought of it brings tears, makes you wince inwardly, or makes getting out of bed daunting? I am here to support you as you process your experience, and find ways to alleviate some of the suffering. Let me support you as you learn stress resiliency and reduce those visceral reactions so that they no longer gut wrenching or extreme emotions. Let's make these events or feelings no longer define you or get in your way of living life. Calling a therapist can be intimidating but I hope you will take a moment (and maybe a deep breath) and reach out for support.
My strength as a provider lies in balancing clinical expertise with practical, real-life solutions. I understand that life can be tough, and I genuinely care about helping my clients navigate their challenges. I’m not just here to listen but to support, encourage, and root for you every step of the way.
My ideal clients have been working on their struggles and have decided that they would like support with navigating their difficult experiences or troubles. They have realized that they don't have to do everything alone.
Sometimes we become stuck with a specific thought, memory, or experience. While not a miracle, EMDR can help us to explore, move through and become unstuck .
Faith allows us to see beyond our immediate circumstances, helping us navigate life’s complexities with a sense of purpose and trust in God’s direction.
Often times we do not realize how thoughts can influence our moods and ultimately our actions. It can be helpful to begin to notice thoughts that are no longer serving us or are helpful.