Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. I’m Chynna, a perinatal mental health clinician. I specialize in supporting parents and partners of all genders navigate towards a version of parenthood that feels good from before day one and beyond. My work with clients is informed by my undergraduate degree in Gender Studies with a concentration in Women’s Reproductive Health, as well as a graduate degree in Counseling Psychology. Your sessions would benefit from extensive post-graduate trainings in: Internal Family Systems, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Perinatal Mood Disorders (PSI), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Drawing upon these modalities I utilize an eclectic blend of primarily somatic, systemic, attachment-centered, and psychodynamic approaches to ground and grow what is already working so you can thrive. To our work together I bring lived experience as a parent who sought assisted reproductive technologies to become pregnant. My winding path to becoming a parent and a clinician arose out of my own challenges during my pregnancies and postpartum periods. These experiences, coupled with a lack of culturally aware support that honored my unique identities as a Black woman from a deeply spiritual Caribbean culture, left me feeling lost and alone. While my path’s start may differ from yours, I have likely been close to where you are and so I offer you hope and an array of strategies to honors all parts of you that show up in our work together.
A typical session with me will include levity – life is hard, looking for joy lightens the work. Some sessions will be gentle and breath based as we ground and prepare for deeper work ahead. Many of our sessions will feel like work as we sift and sort through the hard stuff towards a version of you that feels more authentic and sustainable. Working myself out of a job, session by session, is my joy.
Beyond my lived experience and perinatal, over the last six years of clinical work I’ve had the honor of supporting families of incarceration deepen reconnection, school aged children in expanding their social emotional confidence, and offering therapeutic support to unhoused transitional aged youth. Being able draw upon these experiences to support folks from all parts of life realize their agency during hard times is where I thrive clinically. Finding just where to start is my favorite part of the work I get to do with a new client. If you would like me to join you on your path to wellness, feel free to reach out to me.
I enjoy supporting women and femme presenting people of all ages, but primarily those in the reproductive years. Folks who are in a life transition - maybe phasing in or out of parenthood, or finding themselves in the throes of a particularly challenging parenthood season, those navigating the compounding stress of life in the sandwich, and women entering into perimenopause or menopause - these lovely humans are my jam.
Each of us has parts. The parts we show, the parts we hide. Some parts that protect us and other parts that keep us from experiencing deeply. Working to unblend these pieces and center the true self within is much of the work I encourage in session.
We often feel much more than our thinking parts can process. Slowing down to listen to what the body is telling us is a vital piece to living authentically. Somatic tools in session can be a great guide for where to lean in or out.
Grieving is a huge part of parenthood be it grieving the hope of an unrealized pregnancy, grieving our pre-parental freedoms, or grieving the last stage of our little’s growth. Grief is evidence of both love and loss. Integrating a more expansive view of ways to honor grieving is a huge part of my work with perinatal folks and families.
All folks have an inherent capacity to heal that is revealed when their stories are seen and understood. Sometimes our well-crafted defenses to protect us from emotional pain prevent us from realizing the change towards healing we truly desire. A supportive and challenging therapeutic relationship can be a space to grow insight and enhance one’s ability to trust.
Some experiences are more difficult to process than others. EMDR therapy can be a helpful way to shift long help response patterns to difficult stimuli.