Darlena Austin, LCSW - Therapist at Grow Therapy

Darlena Austin

Darlena Austin


8 years of experience

Hello, I am Darlena. As a Christian psychotherapist, I am dedicated to helping women navigate their personal journeys of self-love, self-discovery, and growth. I am thrilled to create a sacred space with you, where the transformative power of God's Word intertwines seamlessly with clinically proven strategies. If you find yourself questioning your worth or feeling stuck due to past experiences of hurt, shame, rejection, or humiliation, I'm here to support you. Together, we can rewrite the parts of your story that have given you a false version of yourself, allowing you to live, love, and create from the truest version of who you are. With over 25 years of experience, I have assisted countless individuals, couples, and families in overcoming difficult and unexpected challenges. Life often presents us with opportunities to delve deeper into ourselves, and I am passionate about partnering with you during these transformative moments. I believe that you are the common denominator in your life, and when you initiate change within yourself, every area of your life will follow suit. I invite you to leverage my expertise and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we can explore your past experiences, challenge self-limiting beliefs, and develop strategies for lasting change. Let's partner as you create the life you desire and deserve. A Few Notes: My session times are in Central Daylight Time.

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

In our first session together, my primary goal is to create a safe and supportive space for you to share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. This initial meeting is an opportunity for us to get to know each other, build rapport, and discuss what brings you to therapy. Here's what you can generally expect: Introduction and Paperwork: We will start with some administrative tasks, such as reviewing and completing necessary paperwork. This may include information about confidentiality, informed consent, and your rights as a client. Getting to Know Each Other: I'll invite you to share a bit about yourself, including your background, current circumstances, and what led you to seek therapy. You can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. Discussing Your Goals: We'll explore what you hope to achieve through therapy. Understanding your goals helps guide our work together and ensures that our sessions are tailored to your specific needs. Therapeutic Approach: I'll explain my therapeutic approach and how I typically structure sessions. This might include discussing the techniques or interventions I commonly use and how they align with your goals. Addressing Questions and Concerns: This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the therapeutic process, my background, or anything else related to our work together. It's important that you feel comfortable and informed. Establishing a Therapeutic Alliance: Building a strong therapeutic alliance is crucial. We'll work collaboratively to create a trusting relationship, as this forms the foundation for effective therapy. Setting Expectations: I'll provide information about the frequency and duration of sessions, as well as any other practical details. We'll also discuss confidentiality and the limits to it, ensuring that you understand the boundaries of our therapeutic relationship. Initial Assessment: I may ask some questions to better understand your current emotional state, relevant history, and any immediate concerns. This helps me tailor our sessions to address your unique needs. Remember that our first session is a starting point, and you are in control of how much you share. It's okay to take your time in building trust and expressing yourself. Our work together is a collaborative process, and I am here to support you on your journey toward growth and well-being.

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

My niche and passion lie in working with women on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Women have an amazing ability to multitask and give to others often neglecting themselves. So, when a woman is ready to prioritize herself I get excited! I understand the complexities of navigating societal expectations, self-worth, relationships, and personal identity. Whether you are seeking to heal from past traumas, boost self-confidence, improve relationships, or find your true purpose, I am here to guide and support you. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey that celebrates your strengths, increases self-compassion, and empowers you to create a life filled with authenticity, fulfillment, and well-being.



My treatment methods

Christian Counseling

I am thrilled to create a sacred space with you, where the transformative power of God's Word intertwines seamlessly with clinically proven strategies. In our journey together, we'll explore the depths of scripture, unlocking the "How" in your quest for healing and personal growth. Have you ever pondered how to embody forgiveness, navigate through life's wilderness, overcome rejection, recognize your inherent worth, or genuinely love yourself? These questions find resonance in both the spiritual and clinical realms, and our collaborative efforts will uncover the practical steps to address them. Drawing from the richness of biblical wisdom and psychological insights, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. As we navigate the intricacies of forgiveness, healing from past wounds, and mastering emotions, we will uncover the beauty and resilience that reside within you. Together, we'll explore how to shed the weight of shame, turn life's ashes into beauty, and experience a profound transformation. The process of change can be profound, revealing the intricate masterpiece that is you. I believe that by embracing this transformative journey, you will discover the answers to these pressing questions and experience the fulfillment of God's promises. Our therapeutic alliance will be grounded in faith, and through this integration of God's Word and evidence-based clinical strategies, we will work towards letting go of the past and reaching for the prize ahead. Together, we will explore the scriptural wisdom that guides us to be anxious for nothing, trusting in the divine process of renewal and growth. I am honored to be a part of your journey, providing support, guidance, and encouragement as you navigate the path to wholeness and embrace the beautiful transformation that awaits you.


In the transformative journey of narrative therapy, you will embark on a powerful exploration of your life stories. Together, we will unravel the narratives that have shaped your experiences, beliefs, and self-perception. The beauty of narrative therapy lies in its ability to empower you to reshape these stories, offering a new perspective that aligns with your strengths, aspirations, and resilience. By delving into the narratives you've told yourself, we will uncover the threads of your unique journey. Through this process, you will gain insights into the meanings you've attributed to past events, relationships, and challenges. As we collaboratively navigate these narratives, you'll have the opportunity to reclaim authorship over your life story. Narrative therapy invites you to examine the language and metaphors that have influenced your understanding of self. Together, we will challenge and reconstruct these narratives, highlighting your agency, strengths, and the remarkable resilience that resides within you. By reframing your stories, you will discover a newfound sense of empowerment and the ability to redefine your narrative in a way that aligns with your authentic self. This therapeutic approach is not about denying or dismissing your experiences but rather about acknowledging them in a way that honors your growth and transformation. Through the process of reshaping your stories, you will find the freedom to redefine your identity, embracing narratives that empower, inspire, and align with the person you aspire to become. In narrative therapy, your stories become tools for empowerment, helping you navigate challenges, envision a hopeful future, and craft a narrative that reflects your true essence. I am here to guide and support you as you embark on this empowering journey of narrative exploration and transformation. Together, we will create narratives that empower you to live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Cognitive Behavioral (CBT)

In the journey of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), we will work collaboratively to identify and transform thought patterns and behaviors that may be hindering your well-being. CBT provides a structured and practical approach to understanding the intricate connection between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Together, we will explore the thoughts that influence your feelings and actions, recognizing patterns that may no longer serve your best interests. CBT empowers you to become aware of automatic or negative thinking and to challenge and replace these patterns with more adaptive and constructive alternatives. The process involves identifying distorted thinking, such as cognitive distortions or irrational beliefs, and evaluating their accuracy. We will examine how these thoughts contribute to emotional distress and behaviors that may not align with your goals. Through this self-awareness, you will gain the tools to reshape your cognitive landscape. CBT emphasizes the importance of replacing maladaptive behaviors with healthier alternatives. Together, we will develop practical strategies and coping mechanisms to address challenges and promote positive change. This may involve implementing new behaviors, breaking down overwhelming tasks, and fostering a more constructive relationship with yourself. The goal of CBT is to empower you with the skills to manage and overcome difficulties. By identifying and replacing unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors, you will experience a positive shift in your emotional well-being and overall quality of life. I am here to guide and support you on this journey of self-discovery and positive change through the transformative lens of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

In the realm of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), our collaborative focus will be on delving into the depths of your emotions to enhance your overall emotional well-being. EFT is a therapeutic approach that recognizes the significance of emotions in shaping our experiences and relationships. Together, we will embark on a journey to understand your emotions in a profound and meaningful way. EFT provides a safe and supportive space to explore the underlying emotions that may be influencing your thoughts, behaviors, and relational dynamics. By gaining insight into these emotional landscapes, you will develop a greater understanding of yourself and your responses to various situations. EFT is rooted in the belief that emotions are a fundamental aspect of human experience and play a crucial role in shaping our interactions with others. Through this therapeutic process, we will identify and explore the emotional patterns that may be contributing to challenges or distress in your life. By understanding the core emotions driving your experiences, you will be empowered to navigate and transform them. This approach is not about suppressing or dismissing emotions but rather about embracing them as valuable sources of information. By fostering a compassionate and curious exploration of your emotional world, you will cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and those around you. As we progress through EFT, you will gain practical tools to express, regulate, and connect with your emotions more effectively. This heightened emotional awareness will serve as a catalyst for positive change, fostering improved emotional well-being and enriching your overall life experience. I am here to guide and support you on this transformative journey toward understanding and embracing your emotions in the context of Emotionally Focused Therapy.


In the realm of the psychodynamic approach, our collaborative journey will involve a deep exploration of the influence of past experiences on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Rooted in the understanding that early life experiences shape our present, the psychodynamic approach seeks to uncover and resolve internal conflicts that may be impacting your well-being. Together, we will navigate the intricacies of your personal history, recognizing how early relationships and experiences have contributed to the development of your unique psychological landscape. By shedding light on the unconscious processes that influence your current patterns, we aim to unravel any unresolved conflicts that may be hindering personal growth and fulfillment. The psychodynamic approach provides a framework to explore the dynamics of your inner world, including unconscious thoughts, desires, and defense mechanisms. Through this introspective journey, we will work collaboratively to bring unconscious elements into conscious awareness, fostering a deeper understanding of the factors shaping your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This therapeutic process is not just about examining the past but also about understanding how past experiences continue to influence your present. By addressing and resolving internal conflicts that may arise from early life experiences, you will have the opportunity to free yourself from patterns that no longer serve your well-being. The psychodynamic approach invites a compassionate exploration of the self, creating a space where you can gain insight into the roots of your challenges and discover pathways to healing. As we work together, you will uncover the richness of your inner world and develop a greater capacity for self-awareness, leading to positive changes in your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. I am here to guide and support you on this transformative journey within the framework of the psychodynamic approach.