Regina Robison, LPC - Therapist at Grow Therapy

Regina Robison

Regina Robison

20 years of experience

As a psychotherapist with over 20 years' experience, I have helped clients to overcome depression, anxiety and PTSD symptoms with much success. The decision to seek therapy is never an easy one. I strive to make my clients feel comfortable in sharing their stories with me by listening attentively and taking a nonjudgmental approach. Safety is key in the therapeutic relationship.

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

I provide an open and welcoming environment for clients to share what is on their mind and heart. Together we will assess challenges and create goals for our work together. We will also identify options and strategies to get you where you want to be in your life. I may give homework in the way of journaling questions to reflect on or specific strategies to try outside of sessions.

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

I am effective at building rapport with clients in order to provide the space and safety that is needed to make necessary changes in their lives. I'm able to detect maladaptive patterns that could be holding my clients back from living in a wholehearted and authentic way. My no pressure approach allows clients to come to their own decisions and take actions when they are ready to do so. I look forward to working with you and helping you to achieve your individual goals!

About Regina Robison

Identifies as

Specializes in

Licensed in



My treatment methods


I believe that it's important to explore the unconscious and subconscious processes that impact current behaviors and thought patterns. Our upbringing and important people in our lives often shape our beliefs and views, some of which may be maladaptive and / or no longer serve the individual.

Compassion Focused

As an empath, I will listen attentively, compassionately and without judgement. We all have a story that needs to be told. I also emphasize self-compassion and use a plethora of tools to assist clients in gaining compassion for themselves as well as others.


Our attachment styles are formed in childhood and play out in our adult relationships. I help my clients to identify their attachment style and help them to work towards developing a more secure attachment style.

Couples Counseling

I work with couples to identify any toxic or maladaptive dynamics in their relationship in order to explore where these patterns came from and what is necessary to change them. I teach couples communication skills and provide education on the many common pitfalls in communication patterns amongst couples.


Every client is individual and unique. What works for one person may not work with the next. I strive to pair interventions and strategies that are a good individual fit. I encourage feedback on what is helpful as well as what is not helpful for each individual.