Hello! I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in California. I graduated from Sacramento State University and have 8 years experience in mental health. I am a bilingual and bicultural practitioner fluent in English and Spanish. My goal is to partner with clients and assist them in addressing their psychological suffering and be able to reach their full potential in their lives.
In our first session, I will introduce myself and encourage you to tell me about your struggles and your specific goals in treatment. I will partner with you and develop an individual treatment plan specially designed reach your goals.
I have 8 years experience assisting, coaching and problem-solving with clients to improve their well being. I describe myself as a compassionate, insightful and tenacious therapist, who will listen and seek understanding of client's unique issues.
I work with a variety of clients ages 18 and older with symptoms ranging from anxiety, depression, to eating disorders. These symptoms can be debilitating and can keep you from living a meaningful and happy life at any age.
I have 8 years experience utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in my mental health practice because it is an easy-to-understand method that is effective in dealing with a multitude of symptoms and behaviors. I have found that CBT features coping skills that are easy to implement. If you are ready to tackle your pain and suffering, I'm ready to team up with you.
Every person needs to learn how to self-care and mindfulness-based therapy is a wonderful tool that can assist you in decreasing afflictive symptoms through relaxation, self-awareness and calming techniques which mindfulness-based therapy can offer you. I have 8 years of experience utilizing guided meditation techniques that have helped clients take control of their of their own emotional healing. If you would like to incorporate more mindfulness into your life, let's give it a try together.