Therapy FAQ

What are the different types of therapy?

There are many different types of therapy, and most mental health professionals are trained in several. Taking a broad look at the different forms of therapy can give you an idea of the type of therapy you may need, and the expertise and experience to look for in a potential therapist.

By Alan Deibel, LCPC
An overhead shot of a female therapist sitting in a chair across from a female client seated on a couch.

Updated on Jan 12, 2025

Thankfully, stigmas surrounding mental health continue to fade. But for many, there’s still an air of mystery around different types of therapy, and what exactly happens in the therapist’s office.

There are many different types of therapy, and most mental health professionals are trained in several. Depending on your reasons for seeking therapy, you may want to look for someone who specializes in one kind over another.

A broad look at the different forms of therapy can give you an idea of the type of therapy you may need, and the expertise and experience to look for in a potential therapist. Keep in mind that the line between some types of therapy is faint. Many approaches overlap with similar theories at their core but differ in how they approach treatment.

Key takeaways:

  • There are multiple types of therapy that are short-term or long-term, and focus on past experiences or your current thoughts and concerns.

  • Many therapists employ a combination of approaches based on what will work best for the client

  • Multiple approaches can work for common concerns like anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, substance abuse, grief, or eating disorders

  • Clients play a part in deciding what type of therapy they’ll receive by choosing their therapist and being engaged with their treatment plan and progress

Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic mental health care

These two similar-sounding therapies have similar roots, but differ in timetable and methods. The most famous, psychoanalysis, claims Sigmund Freud as one of its founding practitioners. He delved into the influence of subconscious thoughts and repressed feelings.


Though psychoanalysis has evolved, its method still involves exploring dreams, fantasies, and past traumas to help the person talk through issues they face in the present.

Psychoanalysis is both a theory for understanding people and their behavior as well as a method of treatment. The process depends on a close relationship between the therapist and patient, so psychoanalysis tends to be a long-term form of therapy that can last several years.

In psychoanalysis, patients talk freely with the therapist who searches for and analyzes unconscious motivations and potential meanings. Childhood relationships and experiences are an important part of this therapy practice.

The therapist finds connections between childhood and the past to current behaviors, thought patterns, and fears that the patient might want to change. Psychoanalysis may require multiple sessions per week and should only be practiced by a certified psychoanalyst.

Psychodynamic therapy

Psychodynamic therapy uses psychoanalytic theory as a foundation for understanding the mind. However, it’s designed for shorter-term treatment that lasts a few months.

This method connects current thought patterns and past experiences. Then the therapist helps you explore how you can develop self-awareness to gain control over thoughts and actions. Psychodynamic therapy focuses more on problem-solving, whereas psychoanalysis is built on understanding one’s self. These types of therapy are often used to treat:

However, psychoanalytic theory can be used as a basis to treat many more disorders and conditions when used by a practiced therapist.

Behavior therapies

Behavior therapy includes a wide range of therapy types, all used to identify and help change unhealthy or self-destructive behaviors. Common therapies that fall under this umbrella include:

These types of therapy have a common focus — to change or modify behavior. Each type of behavior therapy takes a slightly different approach, though many are closely connected, Therapists may shift in and out of different types of behavior therapy in a single session.

Interpersonal therapy

Some types of behavior therapy, like interpersonal therapy, are used to improve the patient’s relationships with other people. The therapist and patient may focus on negative thought patterns and social behaviors to help the person develop new patterns of interaction.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

For example, during psychotherapy, the therapist may use CBT, while also designing an exposure therapy plan to treat anxiety. CBT explores unhealthy thought patterns and how they contribute to self-destructive beliefs and behaviors. The therapist then works with the person to change these thought patterns.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy involves confronting triggers. It’s used to help people struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or anxiety. Therapists may use methods like flooding or desensitization to help the person learn to cope with triggers.

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

Other types of behavior therapy were developed for specific mental illnesses, like DBT, which was originally designed to treat people with chronic and suicidal thoughts and borderline personality disorder. However, DBT has now been adapted to treat a variety of mental illnesses.

Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)

REBT, another type of behavior therapy, works to recognize irrational beliefs that lead to unwanted behaviors. REBT challenges those irrational beliefs to develop more rational ways of thinking.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR)

EMDR is a relatively newer form of behavior therapy. It was developed in 1989 to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It’s now been adapted to treat other mental health disorders caused by trauma. This method involves recalling traumatic memories while the therapist directs the patient’s eye movements. However, the therapist also works with the patient beforehand to understand and target the appropriate feelings, life experiences, and beliefs to target during EMDR.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)

A therapeutic approach that combines mindfulness meditation and yoga, MBSR helps individuals manage stress, anxiety, and pain. By focusing on the present moment and cultivating awareness of thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, MBSR encourages a non-judgmental acceptance of experiences. This practice can lead to improved emotional regulation, reduced stress, and an overall sense of well-being.

Humanistic mental health care

Humanistic therapy takes an approach of growth and acceptance with the underlying assumption that people are fundamentally good. It relies on the belief that every person has the potential to create healthy relationships.

Therapists help patients explore assumptions and attitudes to identify those that cause harm, and encourage acceptance and growth. Some refer to this process as “freeing” the person from thought and behavior patterns that keep them from living a full, happy life. This type of therapy assumes that the bulk of the therapeutic work and change will occur outside of therapy sessions.

Existential therapy

Existential therapy falls into the humanistic category. It targets responsibility and freedom from thoughts and behaviors that keep someone from having the relationships and life they want. The therapist helps create a philosophical basis drawn from historical philosophers, followed by the client then drawing on that basis to make decisions and change behavior.

Client-centered or person-centered therapy

Client-centered or person-centered therapy is another popular form of humanistic therapy. It began in the 1940s and follows the assumption that each individual has the capacity to be the expert on their own experiences. It’s an approach that emphasizes the whole person, and that each individual is more than their collective symptoms. This method factors in personality and motivations on the road to improving well being.

Motivational interviewing

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a method often used during person-centered therapy. It was originally designed to treat substance abuse, but it’s now used for a variety of mental health disorders. Therapists often use MI before beginning other treatment methods as part of a patient assessment to explore motivations and beliefs. Through the interview method, the therapist may identify behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motivations that may stand in the way of successful treatment and work with the patient to overcome them.

Gestalt therapy

Another form of humanistic therapy is Gestalt therapy, which involves exploring unresolved issues, such as conflicts in relationships or family dynamics, while examining their impact on your emotional well-being. This approach emphasizes the present moment and often includes techniques like role-playing or acting out situations using movement or visualization.

Humanistic therapy can be used to treat a wide range of mental health disorders and problematic behaviors, including but not limited to:

Integrative and holistic therapies

Much like therapists who use different types of behavioral therapies, a therapist who subscribes to integrative therapy may use different therapies throughout various stages of the process. They may discuss the various methods and techniques available to the patient to determine a course of therapy together, rather than the therapist deciding alone.

Someone who practices integrative therapy may also be more likely to use complementary treatments and approaches. They may teach relaxation and breathing techniques, mindfulness, or play relaxing music during sessions.

This is a versatile approach to therapy that can be used to treat almost any condition because it draws upon many different techniques and approaches. However, the key to this approach is using professional judgment and experience to create an evidence-based treatment plan.

There’s no certification in integrative therapy since it’s more of an approach than a well-defined practice. Many therapists already mix and match therapies to their patient’s needs, even though they might not advertise themselves as using integrative therapy.

The versatility of this approach can be used to treat almost any mental health disorder, but it’s often used for:

How to pick a therapy modality (and therapist) that’s right for you

So, there are many types of therapies available — but how do you choose which will be best for you? Some people want to develop a long-term relationship with a therapist or are curious about how their childhood has affected their present-day self. In this case, psychoanalysis might be a good fit. Others may want to work through behaviors systematically, with practical exercises and applications that might best come from a type of behavior therapy. Grow provider Shakia Mayer, LPC weighs in:

When looking for ‘the right’ approach to therapy, think about what resonates with you and your clinical needs. Do you want a treatment modality where you work with the therapist for more than a year? Do you prefer talk therapy or would you prefer a modality that incorporates more movement? Think about how you like to communicate and what feels most comfortable at this point in time.

- Shakia Mayer, LPC

Every person is different, as are their responses to individual therapy. Try to keep an open mind so you can find a therapist and a therapy type that’s right for you. Also, remember that certain types of therapy are more commonly used for specific disorders. For example, exposure therapy is more common for OCD and anxiety than for personality disorders.

How should people vet potential therapists?

Therapists typically list their certifications and therapeutic approaches, but those are usually accompanied by expertise or experience in certain areas, methods, or mental illnesses. You want a therapist that works either with your condition, demographic, or who has experience in an area you need treatment.

For example, a therapist may specialize in substance addiction, eating disorders, or anxiety and depression. If that’s their expertise, they may not be the right pick for someone with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Therapists may have certifications or years of experience working with a certain demographic, like teenagers with anxiety, couples therapy, or group therapy. Look for professional certifications and training along with experience that aligns with your needs. Many therapists also offer free consultation calls to help you decide if they’re the right fit for you.

Using Grow Therapy

Grow Therapy can help you find a therapist that fits your needs, and is in-network with your insurance. You can find a therapist on our site using multiple filters like specialties, treatment methods, age, gender, and more.


It’s a good idea to enter your first therapy session with a general understanding of the methods that might be used. A little knowledge can set you at ease as you begin the therapy process. However, keep in mind that the quality of your therapeutic alliance with your therapist is more predictive of good therapeutic outcomes than the theoretical approach or interventions used.

If getting started feels like the hardest part, Grow Therapy can help you get the personalized mental health care you need. Therapy can be an enlightening and liberating experience. It takes work and dedication, but with the right therapist, you can create the relationships and life you want.

About the author
Alan Deibel, LCPC

Alan Deibel is a licensed clinical professional counselor with over 12 years of diverse clinical experience specializing in treating addiction, trauma, anxiety, and mood disorders.

This article is not meant to be a replacement for medical advice. We recommend speaking with a therapist for personalized information about your mental health. If you don’t currently have a therapist, we can connect you with one who can offer support and address any questions or concerns. If you or your child is experiencing a medical emergency, is considering harming themselves or others, or is otherwise in imminent danger, you should dial 9-1-1 and/or go to the nearest emergency room.

Therapy FAQ

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