My personal background gave me life learned lessons to help understand others. My personal struggles along with my education has given me the strength I feel I need to work in this field. Counseling is an absolute passion I live with every day as this is what gives me purpose. The feeling of being able to help those in need motivates me like nothing else ever could.
Our first session is the opportunity to build rapport and bring the walls down. We tend to walk into a room with a stranger full of unknowns that can make us very uncomfortable. The first session is allows us the feeling out process to springboard forward.
My greatest strength is the ability to use my past struggles to bridge others to change.
The clients that are easier for me to connect with are those who are going through similar struggle I have either gone through or still struggle with. Fatherlessness, addiction, self-esteem issues, anxiety and depression have all been a part of my every day life at some point. Living with these struggles along with the learning I have done allow me to make strong connections with clients who also struggle with this.
Working through our thoughts and feelings as they are connected to certain struggles is powerful. When we are able to take control of our mind, then we begin to see major changes in life and how we deal with things.
I believe strongly in building a good working relationship before we move into challenging the mind. We tend to put out much more effort when we feel we are truly in a safe place. A strong working rapport is a great base to build on.