Dr. Kendel M. Wylie-Pugh profile image

Dr. Kendel M. Wylie-Pugh

Dr. Kendel M. Wylie-Pugh


25 years of experience

Kendel M. Wylie-Pugh is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist practicing in the DC Metropolitan Area. Dr. Wylie-Pugh is currently in Private Practice. She has a particular interest in working with children and adolescents, whom research has indicated, as being at an increased risk for the development of mental disorders. Her areas of specialty are conducting various psychological assessments; facilitating individual, group, and family therapy; providing supervision; crisis management; and teacher, psychiatric, and parent consultation. Dr. Wylie-Pugh has worked with school-aged children diagnosed with disorders such as anxiety, depression, bereavement, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Dr. Wylie-Pugh has also worked with adults diagnosed with severe mental health disorders in various forensic and psychiatric settings. Dr. Wylie-Pugh received her doctorate in psychology from the American School of Professional Psychology and her Doctoral Internship from Howard University and The Child Guidance Clinic at DC Superior Court, her master’s degree from Virginia State University, and her undergraduate degree from Salisbury University. Dr. Wylie-Pugh previously worked for the DC Department of Mental Health at Saint Elizabeths Hospital, the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA), the Youth Rehabilitation Services Department (DRSD), and the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) in VA. Dr. Wylie-Pugh also supervises clinician's and student trainees.

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

In our first session together, we'll start with introductions, then discuss the specific challenges you're currently confronting. This will help me to create a mutually agreed upon treatment plan for us to work through in follow-up sessions.

What treatment methods and tools do you utilize?

I rely on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy coupled with Psychodynamic Theory.

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

I enjoy developing a comfortable, non-threatening therapeutic environment that allows for clients to mitigate their anxiety as much as possible while discussing problem areas, void of judgment.

About Dr. Kendel M. Wylie-Pugh

