Hi, I am Norma Beardwood. I have been involved with mental health work since I was 18 years old. I started out working as a mental health worker in a psychiatric hospital in Massachusetts. I have worked as a RDN and LPC in psychiatric facilities and I have always loved it. I was born and raised in Rhode Island but have made Texas my home.
In the first session, I will talk to you about the platform, the does and don'ts of the profession and about my philosophy of helping people with mental health concerns. I also will start to take a biopsychosocial history (your background-- childhood, education, living conditions, religion, history of mental health concerns, medications, medical health concerns, relationships. I believe the more you can share, the better I can help you. I will then work with you to develop a treatment plan and identify goals.
My greatest strengths are the ability to listen, empathize, motivate and allow you to determine the best decision for your current circumstance.
This a key component of therapy that I use. I use it to work with the negative self talk that occurs within the brain to the the person look at the negative talk and determine if this is true now, today.
I use this to help the client walk through their grief and recognize the different stages of grief.
This allows me to help a client get unstuck when they can not move from a particular behavior or thought pattern.
Some clients just want to talk. They need a sounding board but I will also ask them to write good bye letters to others to allow them to be free.