Dr. Darrian Dawson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He is the clinical director/therapist of Darrian Dawson, LLC. In the past, Dr. Dawson has worked for Tulane University as an adjunct professor, child protection agencies, mental health providers, partial hospital programs, and recovery management agencies. Dr. Darrian has a strong passion for research, mental health advocacy, trauma recovery, and self-care. He believes that everyone deserves quality mental health care.
In our first session together, we'll start with brief introductions. Then dive into the specific challenges you're facing. This will help me create a tailored plan for us to work through in follow-up sessions. In addition, if needed, we will discuss healthy coping skills, a coping plan, and a self-care plan. Lastly, will possibly discuss a follow-plan and activities that will help with your mental health.
My strengths are the following: I can build rapport I can create a treatment plan that address the needs of my clients I am resourceful I am a team player I am self-aware I am resilient I am helpful I am kind
I have experienced with servicing teenagers, adults, adolescents, and individuals who identify with the LGBTQ+ community.
I have used CBT to help my clients focus on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, altering behaviors, and implementing coping strategies.
I have used ACT to help my clients focus on accepting uncomfortable thoughts and feelings rather than fighting against them. It encourages individuals to clarify their values and commit to behavior changes in line with those values.
I have used to help client focus on emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness, which can be beneficial for managing anxiety.