I am a Clinical Psychologist with over 19 years of experience in the area of Physical, Emotional and Sexual Trauma. I have provided services to military, law enforcement and crime victims as well as those who have less violent experiences that cause problems with their family members and spouses. I feel that it is essential for people to have a safe, respectful and healthy relationship with their loved ones in order to fully appreciate and enjoy life to the fullest.
Our first session is one where we get to know each other and determine what we can work on, together, in order to design the life you desire.
I am very flexible with my patients and realize that no one is perfect, as well as there is no perfect solution to every situation. I adapt to the needs of my patients and I improvise and combine methods to obtain the patients desired results and never give up until the situation causing the problems for the patient are overcome.
I have used cognitive therapy with behavior modification to shape my patients into the individuals they wanting to become and allow them the success they desire.