Anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, loss/grief, trauma, addictions. Life is a cycle of joy & pain, and at times, it may feel like the pain is winning. Using an extensive set of skills, combined with compassion, understanding, and a non-judgmental and collaborative approach, we will focus on restoration of wellness. I specialize in helping adults build resilience while navigating anxiety, depression, trauma, addictions, infertility and other loss. I hold an advanced degree in psychology, I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional-II. I am extremely competent, but I curse some, and I'll compassionately encourage your growth. You are important to me, and you will know this by how I give you my undivided attention during sessions.
The intake session is about gathering information. In your own words, you tell me what is bringing you to counseling and what you want to get out of it. It's where you get to decide if I'm a clinician you'd like to work with or not. If I am, we'll schedule follow-up sessions and develop a goal-oriented treatment plan based on what you'd like to accomplish. If you're not sure, that's ok, healing is a process, and goals change over time. Initial goals are just a starting point.
We may or may not recognize it, but all of us experience some form of trauma. Using current and progressive methods, I help my clients identify and reprocess the emotional residue of their traumatic experiences. Mood dysregulation can be overwhelming. Excessive worry, fearful dread, irritability, racing thoughts, fatigue, shutting down, going numb, loss of motivation, headaches, muscle aches, unexplained pain. Anxiety and/or depression occur in response to an inability to cope with external and even internal stressors. I teach clients powerful skills to help regulate emotions and learn how to cope effectively. Whether it is a substance such as alcohol or behavioral such as gambling or sex, addiction takes lives, ruins relationships, steals self-respect and esteem, and impacts the individual and everyone who cares about them. Addiction is insidious and doesn't discriminate. Addiction is not a choice, addictive behaviors may have been a choice in the beginning, but untreated addiction steals choice. Recovery is possible. Recovery restores choice. With extensive professional and personal experience with addiction and recovery, I offer understanding, compassion, and when an individual desires restoration, or if you need help understanding and coping with a loved one's addiction, I can help.
WolfHelix Counseling was named in honor of my clients. The Wolf, a symbol of courage and resiliency represents my clients at their core. The helix symbolizes the flow of life and energy, representing the intertwining and cyclical nature of existence. It signifies the endless continuation and the process of growth and transformation. Looking at counselor profiles suggests a readiness, a willingness to invest in yourself. You are why I started WolfHelix Counseling. Contact me. I can help.
Eclectic simply means a combination of therapies. My MA in psychology, combined with over 25 years of experience allows me to blend elements from different approaches and individualize treatment according to your needs. My tag line is "Empowering individuals since 1999" and that is the goal of my approach when partnering with you.
Trauma can be a singular event, a series of events, or a set of enduring conditions. Research indicates trauma is much more prevalent than once believed. No one gets out of life unscathed. I have specialized training and years of experience working with trauma. Trauma-informed care (TIC) is a strengths-based service delivery approach more than a specific method. TIC acknowledges the impact of trauma on one's life. It emphasizes physical, psychological, and emotional safety for each of us, me as the practitioner, and you as the client. TIC is a practice that allows me to integrate my extensive knowledge and experience with trauma into procedures to avoid re-traumatization. As applied, trauma-informed services do no harm and embraces a message of hope and optimism that recovery is possible. Healing is possible. You deserve and are worthy of this hope and healing. We all are. With help, it is possible to move out of survival mode into thrive mode.
I think, I feel, I do. Cognition, emotions, behaviors; these functions are all connected. REBT, considered an original form of CBT, is an evidenced-based, interactive counseling method developed in the 1950's by psychologist Albert Ellis. REBT promotes unconditional acceptance that all human beings are self-directed, self-actualizing, powerful individuals. As such, REBT promotes acceptance that we can only govern ourselves, and cannot control what others do, think, or feel. As I said before, life is a cycle of joy and pain and by helping you learn and apply the principles of REBT you gain acceptance of the adverse events you will encounter throughout your lifetime and the skills to respond to these in a healthier, more empowering way.