Hello! Hola! Welcome to New Day New Beginnings, LLC. My name is Ivelisse and I am a bilingual therapist with over 20 years of experience in the mental health field working with teens and adults (young and older). I am currently providing only telehealth services, working with older teens ages 16+ and adults (18+). I am a faith-informed (Christian Catholic) therapist but my focus is clinical, so you determine if religion/spirituality will be part of your sessions. My approach is eclectic, insight-oriented, with a focus in strength based and client-centered, because there is no “one size fits all” as we are all unique individuals.
In our first session, we will engage in a conversation to introduce one another and discuss what counseling is and what it's not. We will then move on to completing a mental health evaluation form and discuss the specific challenges that brings you to therapy.
My greatest strengths as a provider are compassion, active listening, my genuine desire to help and meeting you where you are in your life journey
It can be difficult to have balance in this journey called life. It’s important to meet you where you are in your journey (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etc). Whether you are a teen, a college student, a parent, or none of the above, and are just a person struggling and hurting; you don’t have to walk alone. As human beings, we all experience stress, anxiety, and pain. Difficult circumstances are a part of life, and so, also inevitable. However, you have strengths and are more resilient than you think! Together, we can identify, develop, and vitalize those strengths, develop healthy coping skills, and identify healthy practical ways to work towards becoming the best version of yourself.
Clients that identify their Christian/Catholic faith as a source of strength and want to incorporate prayer and bible scripture as part of session, are welcome to do so.
HW is provided and reviewed after most sessions to encourage Client to practice the CBT strategies discussed in sessions and monitor therapeutic progress.
I combine techniques from various treatment methods to address the client's particular needs and therapeutic goals.