Hello! I am a licensed professional counselor practicing in Colorado and Tennessee. I have been practicing for 12 years. Most of my experience is working with adults struggling with anxiety, depression, life transitions, low self-esteem and relationship issues. I love helping my clients work through the problems that bring them to therapy and find their true, authentic selves and more joy in their lives.
In our first session, we will gather some background information and identify the reasons you are seeking therapy. We will then identify the goals you want to achieve. This will be our guide to help you seek the change you desire.
Working as a therapist for 12 years, I have developed genuine compassion and curiosity in an individual's uniqueness and personal struggles. I value rapport and trust-building as paramount qualities in helping clients achieve their personal goals. This helps client feel comfortable, to share and to trust.
I love working with adults who struggle with depression, anxiety, relationship issues and self-esteem.
I have been using CBT for 12 years to help clients understand and work through the cycle of thoughts, feelings and behaviors and how they influence each other. I help clients explore their core beliefs, limiting beliefs and automatic thoughts that are negatively impacting their lives. We will then use this information to understand your thinking patterns, which will lessen your symptoms of the issue that brings you to therapy (e.g. depression, anxiety, stress, life transitions, etc.)
I have been using somatic therapy for 12 years. This type of therapy on the body and its connection to the mind. Emotions, thoughts and sensations are all interconnected and influence each other. We are doing a disservice to ourselves if we do not consider these connections and work. I help clients develop an awareness of their bodily sensations, teaching them to feel safe in their bodies while recalling certain thoughts, experiences and emotions. I help you release certain emotions that are built up in your body through different techniques.
I have been using this method for 12 years. This method is an approach that takes into consideration the whole person and the uniqueness of each individual. I help clients see and understand that they have free will, and I help clients get motivated to achieve their potential and self-actualize.