Nilsa Laura Felix, LICSW - Therapist at Grow Therapy

Nilsa Laura Felix

Nilsa Laura Felix

12 years of experience

Espanol: Tómate un momento para reconocer que has dado el primer paso para volver a ti y trabajar en tu bienestar. Tomar la decisión de buscar ayuda es un acto de mucha valentia. A veces preferimos quedarnos en nuestra zona de comfort por temor a enfrentar aquello que nos esta afectando. Trabajar en nosotros es el acto de amor propio más importante que podemos hacer. Asi que te invito a que tomes este momento y te valides ya que has superado el primer obstáculo. Espero que podamos conectarnos pronto y que me permitas ir de tu lado en este viaje hacia la sanación interior y bienestar emocional. Eres importante y eres valioso, no lo olvides ;) English: Take a moment to acknowledge that you've taken the first step to come back to yourself and work on your well-being. Making the decision to seek help is an act of great courage. Sometimes we prefer to stay in our comfort zone for fear of facing what is affecting us. Working on ourselves is the most important act of self-love we can do. So I invite you to take this moment and validate yourself since you have overcome the first obstacle. I hope we can connect soon and that you will allow me to go on your side on this journey towards inner healing and emotional well-being. You're important and you're valuable, don't forget it ;)

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

Espanol: En nuestra primera sesión juntos, comenzaremos con breves presentaciones, luego nos sumergiremos en los desafíos específicos a los que te enfrentas y en los que quieres trabajar. Esto me ayudará a crear un plan personalizado para que podamos trabajar en sesiones de seguimiento. English: In our first session together, we'll start with brief introductions, then dive into the specific challenges you're facing, and you want to work on. This will help me create a tailored plan for us to work through in follow-up sessions.

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

Espanol: He trabajado con niños, individuos y familias durante los últimos 12 años. Esto me ha permitido adquirir experiencia y habilidades para que podamos crear juntos un plan de tratamiento individualizado de acuerdo con sus necesidades y circunstancias. Soy terapeuta cognitivo-conductual especializada en el tratamiento de la depresión, los trastornos del estado de ánimo, las transiciones y los trastornos de ansiedad. Utilizo un enfoque basado en las fortalezas para empoderar a los clientes aprovechando su resiliencia inherente, sus mecanismos de afrontamiento positivos y sus fortalezas personales para lograr objetivos terapéuticos duraderos. English: I have worked with children, individuals and families for the past 12 years. This has allowed me to gain experience and skills so we can create together an individualized treatment plan according to your needs and circumstances. I'm a cognitive behavioral therapist specializing in treating depression, mood disorders, transitions and anxiety disorders. I utilize a strengths-based approach to empower clients by leveraging their inherent resilience, positive coping mechanisms, and personal strengths to achieve lasting therapeutic goals.

Describe the client(s) you are best positioned to serve.

Espanol: Me encanta trabajar con personas que buscan su bienestar, mujeres valientes que no temen volver a empezar y con personas que integran su fe en este viaje llamado vida. La integración de las creencias cristianas con los modelos y hallazgos psicológicos proporcionan apoyo holístico a la salud mental. También te ayudará a lograr un sentido más profundo de propósito, paz y bienestar. Soy bilingue y me llena de alegria ser un canal de ayuda para la comunidad latina. Si hablas espanol, te invito a que conectemos. Tener un terapista que hable tu idioma nativo puede ayudarte a sentirse cómodo y conectado, ¡Simplemente haga clic y solicita tu primera cita! English: I love working with people who seek their well-being, brave women who are not afraid to start over, and with people who integrate their faith into this journey called life. Integrating Christian beliefs with psychological models and findings provides holistic mental health support. It will also help you achieve a deeper sense of purpose, peace, and well-being. I am bilingual and it fills me with joy to be a channel of help for the Latino community. If you speak Spanish, I invite you to connect. Having a therapist who speaks your native language can help you feel comfortable and connected, just click and request your first appointment!

About Nilsa Laura Felix

Identifies as

Specializes in

AnxietyDepressionBipolar DisorderFoster Care/AdoptionParentingSelf EsteemTrauma and PTSD

Licensed in

Accepts cash




My treatment methods

Christian Counseling

Christian counseling offers opportunities for those who want to incorporate their belief in God into the treatment. Spiritual beliefs can foster optimism and resilience, helping people navigate through difficult times with a hopeful perspective, allowing for the ability to gain knowledge, hope, and additional support needed for change to occur, potentially improving their coping mechanisms in the overall healing process.

Cognitive Behavioral (CBT)

CBT allows people to identify and challenge unhelpful and distorted thought patterns, allowing them to effectively manage their emotions and behaviors.

Dialectical Behavior (DBT)

DBT provides individuals with practical skills to manage intense emotions, improve interpersonal relationships, tolerate distress, and change harmful behaviors.