
Fashionable man peeks over statue.

Survey: 50% of LGBTQ+ Young People Who Want Mental Health Care Are Not Able to Get it

June is Pride month, celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and supporting mental health. Unfortunately, many LGBTQ+ youth face significant barriers to accessing care. This article explores these challenges, effective therapeutic interventions, and the importance of inclusive, supportive environments.

Taylor StranaghanTaylor Stranaghan
Read the story
Celebrating Pride Month with a Focus on Mental Health

Celebrating Pride Month with a Focus on Mental Health

While Pride Month often serves as a fun, vibrant celebration, it can also be an opportunity to connect those who are struggling with mental health to resources that they otherwise may not encounter. Let’s examine the intersection of LGBTQ+ identity, Pride month, and mental health.

Joe Rendeiro Joseph Rendeiro
9 Ways to Practice Self-Care During Mental Health Awareness Month

9 Ways to Practice Self-Care During Mental Health Awareness Month

Self-care means taking actions to boost your mental, physical, and emotional health. It’s crucial for managing stress and enhancing well-being. Learn how self-care intertwines with Mental Health Awareness Month, its origins, goals, and practical self-care strategies to improve your life.

Tahara DeBarrows Tahara DeBarrows, LMFT
How to Protect Your Peace During Mental Health Awareness Month

How to Protect Your Peace During Mental Health Awareness Month

This Mental Health Awareness Month, we invite you to explore what self-care and inner peace mean to you and how they relate to mental resilience and overall happiness. Discover a few practical ways to protect your peace now and throughout the year.

Emily Becker Emily Becker
What to Know About Mental Health Awareness Month

What to Know About Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month, observed every May, highlights the importance of open discussions about mental health. Originating in 1949, this initiative aims to combat stigma and raise awareness. It fosters education, advocacy, and support for those struggling with mental health conditions.

Ashley Laderer Ashley Laderer
A Therapist’s Guide to Overcoming Procrastination

A Therapist’s Guide to Overcoming Procrastination

Did you know that 20% of adults deal with some form of procrastination? The irony of procrastination is that although it gives us a brief escape from our responsibilities, this temporary relief only compounds stress for our future selves. Time begins to slip through our fingers like tiny grains of sand as we settle into […]

therapist sean abraham Sean Abraham, LCSW
Celebrating Women’s Impact on Mental Health

Celebrating Women’s Impact on Mental Health

Since the 1800s, women have played a pivotal role in the development of mental health care and breakthroughs in new treatments. While celebrating Women’s History Month this March, we’re highlighting female professionals in the mental health field – whether those are women who made groundbreaking contributions decades ago or women in the workforce today who […]

Ashley Laderer Ashley Laderer
The Power of Positive Affirmations for Women

The Power of Positive Affirmations for Women

Thousands of thoughts run through our minds every day. Chances are, some of them are negative. Thoughts are more powerful than you think. We can’t get our brains to turn off or stop producing negative thoughts, but we can make an active effort to start putting more positive thoughts into our brains. These are known […]

Ashley Laderer Ashley Laderer
What Is Self-Concept? Understanding the Foundation of Personal Identity

What Is Self-Concept? Understanding the Foundation of Personal Identity

Parents, friends, family, and society all help shape your self-concept and, in the process, influence your cognitive functioning, ability to process emotions and behaviors. The susceptibility to mental health disorders depends on whether you have a positive or negative self-concept.  This article will explore self-concept and how it influences your world perception, behavior, and emotions. […]

isbell oliva garcia grow therapy Isbell Oliva-Garcia, LMHC
‘I Need Help:’ How to Get the Mental Health Support You Need

‘I Need Help:’ How to Get the Mental Health Support You Need

Being a human is hard sometimes. Just like facing a mental health challenge is part of the human experience, so is leaning on others for support. Often, topics related to mental health can feel taboo to talk about in a social setting or even with trusted family members, making it difficult for many people to […]

isbell oliva garcia grow therapy Isbell Oliva-Garcia, LMHC
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