Therapy FAQ: Page 2

What is Behavioral Therapy and How Does it Work?
Therapy FAQ

What is Behavioral Therapy and How Does it Work?

When you think of therapy, you might picture a patient lying on a couch, talking about their childhood, delving into their past regrets and self-esteem issues, and spilling out unconscious desires and fears. This is what psychoanalysis, the original “talk therapy,” often looks like. Behavioral therapy is different. Behavioral therapy is an evidence-based type of therapy focused […]

therapist william snyder William Snyder, LPC
How to Know When it’s Time to Stop Therapy
Therapy FAQ

How to Know When it’s Time to Stop Therapy

Picture this: A lot has been going on in your life, and you decide to seek help from a therapist. However, along the way, things start to unfold, and you start feeling as if therapy is not working. You think about the treatment journey and realize things are not as expected. As a result, you […]

therapist sean abraham Sean Abraham, LCSW
Gestalt Therapy: The Journey to Wholeness and Self-Awareness
Therapy FAQ

Gestalt Therapy: The Journey to Wholeness and Self-Awareness

Among the diverse range of mental health therapies, Gestalt therapy is somewhat unique in that the goal of the treatment is to focus on present awareness and holistic well-being, offering a refreshing perspective on personal growth and mental wellness. Rather than just addressing symptoms, Gestalt Therapy encourages you to fully embrace your experiences, emotions, and […]

Therapist Dr. Jaclyn Gulotta Jaclyn Gulotta, LMHC
What are SMART Therapy Goals and Why do They Matter?
Therapy FAQ

What are SMART Therapy Goals and Why do They Matter?

Many journeys into personal transformation and mental well-being start with a simple, yet powerful tool: setting SMART goals. In therapy, these carefully crafted goals act as structured, clear action plans guiding you toward meaningful change. Whether you’re new to therapy or looking to refresh your approach, understanding the concept of SMART goals can dramatically change […]

Alan Deibel, LPCP
How Do You Know If You Need Therapy, According to Therapists
Therapy FAQ

How Do You Know If You Need Therapy, According to Therapists

Everybody experiences low moods, stress, and setbacks once in a while. Although most people usually bounce back from these challenges, there are times when you might need a little more support. In these times, you might find yourself wondering, “Do I need therapy?” Also called psychotherapy, talk therapy is considered a first-line treatment for a […]

therapist sean abraham Sean Abraham, LCSW
10 Ideas To Help You Get the Most Out of Therapy
Therapy FAQ

10 Ideas To Help You Get the Most Out of Therapy

You have control over very few things in life — you can’t make other people act the way you want or free your life’s path of potholes, wrong turns, and unexpected trouble. So what can you control? Your thinking and behavior. Mental health care can help you heal from your past and develop healthy mental […]

Author Generic Image Grow Therapy
The Role of Experiential Therapy in Emotional Healing
Therapy FAQ

The Role of Experiential Therapy in Emotional Healing

When it comes to human expression, words are often the least effective means of conveying deep emotions and experiences. Experiential therapy is a unique approach to emotional healing that goes beyond talking, helping us connect the dots between what we feel and how we behave. It explores human experiences and feelings in a way that […]

jocelyn moyet grow therapy Jocelyn Moyet, LMHC
How to Know if Relational Therapy is Right for You
Therapy FAQ

How to Know if Relational Therapy is Right for You

Are you experiencing emotional distress or struggling to maintain healthy relationships with others, whether in your personal or professional life? If so, relational therapy can help. Many people feel overwhelmed by challenges in their interpersonal relationships, putting their well-being at risk. Relational therapy is a therapeutic approach that specifically aims to help individuals enhance their […]

jocelyn moyet grow therapy Jocelyn Moyet, LMHC
What to Know About Bioenergetic Therapy and the Mind-Body Connection
Therapy FAQ

What to Know About Bioenergetic Therapy and the Mind-Body Connection

Have you ever noticed what’s happening in your body when you experience strong emotions? Perhaps you tend to hold your breath or breathe with short, shallow breaths when you feel nervous or anxious. Or maybe your shoulders tense up when you’re angry, upset, or stressed. Our bodies can store valuable information about our feelings and […]

Alan Deibel, LPCP
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