Kasey Benthin-Staley, LCSW - Therapist at Grow Therapy

Kasey Benthin-Staley

Kasey Benthin-Staley


11 years of experience

People seeking improvement or understanding in their lives can almost always benefit from talking things through. Whether you want to explore childhood issues, heal from trauma, deal with work stress, address anxiety and depression symptoms, or something else, I can help you accomplish your goals. Do you feel un-help-able? Having spent ten years in community mental health, I have worked with people from all walks of life, with all different needs, and feel comfortable talking with most people about most things. I often work with people experiencing trauma symptoms, or mood-related issues like depression and anxiety. We will explore the areas of your life causing the most stress or difficulties and together, develop a roadmap for your healing journey. Using your own strengths, I will help you find your way to your goals. I hope to cultivate a safe, open space to examine whatever aspect(s) of your life you seek clarity and/or change. Talking about trauma, stress, relationships, or other unhappy circumstances is difficult, and I do my best to make it easy and comfortable. If you have been looking for someone to help you navigate life, please don't hesitate to message or call!

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

Clients frequently report feeling a big sense of relief after an intake - it helps just to get everything out and on the table. After that, treatment is largely guided by your individual wants/needs as the client; if you want homework I have plenty to give!

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

I truly enjoy working with all sorts of different folks, but a big reason I got into doing therapy was to provide understanding care to the - my - LGBTQ+ community. I had to do a lot of educating when seeking care in high school and college, and it was frustrating b/c it took time away from what I wanted to talk about. I think this type of experience is happening less and less (thank goodness!), but there's still plenty to being queer and/or trans that is stressful, and I am here to listen and help any way I can.



My treatment methods


Eclectic just means I pull a lot of different ideas, skills, or practices from a lot of different modalities. I find the best approach is as individual as each of my clients and usually involves more than one idea/technique. I frequently utilize cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness exercises, emphasizing self-care, while also keeping focus on motivations and goals. I provide a safe space to explore whatever aspect(s) of your life you want to examine and possibly change.


We live in a patriarchal & capitalist society, there's no denying this. Constantly feeling the pressure of productivity, obligations & the expectations that we all be moving all the time, in a direction that makes rich people richer & powerful people more powerful? Yeah that sucks, you can't "coping skill" your way out of living in an oppressive environment. So I find it important & helpful to acknowledge this to reduce guilt/avoidance related to self-care or just saying eff you to the system.


Sometimes a little perspective helps. It is easy to get wrapped up in your experiences & feelings. Narrative therapy encourages folx to examine their stories & effect change when the story does not match goals or desires. Part of this is externalizing things like Anxiety, so it feels less like a character flaw & more like what it is - an emotion that can be a jerk sometimes. It isn't you as a person that is causing all these problems, it is the Anxiety, so what can we do to kick its butt?