I'm a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) practicing in Kentucky. I received my doctorate from Madison University and postgraduate studies at Southern Illinois University and have been practicing for 40+ years. I help individuals and couples struggling with a wide range of mental health, addiction, and relationship issues. I work with clients to identify problematic concerns, define their personal goals, and apply intervention techniques to assist them in becoming the best versions of themselves.
With over 40 years of experience, I'm comfortable talking with clients about any issues they wish to discuss. I'm not judging people or their behaviors but rather here to listen and help. In our first session together, we'll start with brief introductions and then discuss the specific challenges you're facing. This will help me create a tailored plan for us to work through in follow-up sessions.
Having worked with individuals and families for the past 40 years, I've developed many tried-and-true strategies for helping my clients (a) identify the root cause of their challenges and (b) create a tailored plan that leads to measurable progress.
I enjoy assisting adults experiencing mild, moderate, or severe emotional trauma. My past clinical experiences include working as a mental health/substance abuse therapist at a regional hospital, supervisor of a residential substance abuse treatment center, director of a regional mental health agency, private practice with four state-licensed offices in Kentucky, and over one year providing telehealth therapy. My clients desire a better life but don't yet have the tools needed to make this goal a reality. They often feel stuck, overwhelmed, and anxious about their future.
Dr. Alexander specializes in teletherapy services based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). With 40+ years of experience helping individuals, couples, and families navigate life's challenges, Dr. Alexander is committed to providing compassionate and effective counseling to support your mental health journey.