Hi there! I am looking forward to teaming up with you. I have an extreme fascination of the brain, in at least one of my sessions we will talk of how the brain is contributing to your struggles and how we will rewire it to work better for you. It is amazing how a small rewire can make a big change. Not to simplify of course, but to be used as one of the many tools in my tool box to share. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) practicing in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area for the past 20 years (as a LPC), 6 years prior in various other settings. I received my degree from Gannon University in Counseling Psychology (MS). I work with couples, teens and adults that struggle mostly with Anxiety and Depression.
In our first session together, we will start with introductions, build rapport and establish norms you can expect for upcoming sessions. Definitely making sure that I, as a therapist, am the right fit for you. We will dive into the reasons you are seeking therapy so that we can start a plan for the direction we will be working towards; if time permits and seems natural I like to provide some suggestions from session 1.
I have been told that I am easy to talk to, there is no feeling of judgement or criticism. I often hear "I can't believe I am telling you this." I go with the rule that I have not walked in your shoes, but would like to help you walk in them in the direction of feeling mentally healthier. I have a tool box of coping skills and techniques to teach, feeling confident to find at least one (but more) that can be of benefit. Holding my degree for 28 years, I have a plethora of experiences in many realms of therapy, from working in ER's, residential setting, mediation for hostile work environments, school based and a number of years in private practice.
I have a heart for working with individuals where Anxiety and Depression are taking them away from the life they want to live. To see individuals/ couples find an "a-ha moment" or a light that they have been looking for is rewarding beyond measure. Often it is the "what ifs" from life that create such a detour; searching for someone's truth that turns the path back in the right direction is my goal. I love working with individuals that are ready to improve their life, that are tired from the mental struggles that hold them back.
Searches the cognitions that a client listens to, discover the defeating cognitions and reframes to more positive, healing and productive cognitions to adhere/ listen to.
Provides empathy, understanding and validation to why a client may feel the way they do. A level of acceptance in order to make some changes so there is an improved mental health.
Meets with couples to discover reasons for therapy, focusing on moving forward, healing, improve communication, learn how to have conflict productively and setting goals for where the couple would like their relationship to go.
Looking at client's choices, consequences and ways to make minimal changes in choices for a different outcome. Utilizing what is working for a client and adapting to various areas of their life. Ways choice can decrease depression and anxiety.
When faith in God is a strength for client, encourages ways to find life verses, prayer and trust in God to promote positive choices, decrease depression and anxiety.