Hola! Mi nombre es Rita Diaz y obtuve mi maestria en la universidad de La Verne. Estoy licensiada en consejeria clinico profesional. Hago mi mejor esfuerzo para ayudar a mi clientes comprender sus propios comportamientos y como sus experiencias de vida los a afectado. Hi! My name is Rita Diaz and I obtained my master's degree at the University of La Verne. I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. I do my best to assist my clients understand their behaviors and how their life has affected them.
I welcome any questions about my professional background and experiences, including education. I know I will be asking a lot of information about you and I understand if you are hesitant to share everything right away. I would like for you to be comfortable starting day 1. We will work together to figure out your goals and build a plan on how to obtain it.
I'm relatable as a first-generation Xicana/Latina/Mexican-American. I speak Spanish, "Spanglish" and welcome the natural bilingual flow.
First generation (you were born/raised in the US but parents were born/raised in another country), young adults, and adults!
Rita Diaz offers therapy covered by Blue Shield of California - Medi-Cal, Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan (Medi-Cal), Central California Alliance for Health (Medi-Cal), Gold Coast Health Plan (Medi-Cal), Health Plan of San Joaquin - Medi-Cal, Kern Family Health Care - Medi-Cal, L.A. Care Health Plan (Medi-Cal), Orange County Mental Health Plan (Medi-Cal), Partnership HealthPlan of California (Medi-Cal) and San Francisco Health Plan (Medi-Cal) in California.
This has been the basis of my experience as it provides a range of utility with different diagnosis.
We have all experienced trauma in our lives, but we may not acknowledge or realize it's trauma. In my professional experience, I've noticed how we can normalize trauma and avoid the consequences because of the commonality.