Lindsay Scoffil, LMHC - Therapist at Grow Therapy

Lindsay Scoffil

Lindsay Scoffil


5 years of experience
Solution oriented

Welcome! Are you tired of feeling stuck? Are you feeling paralyzed by anxiety, depression or trauma? Let's learn how to manage these symptoms and take back control of your life! You have came to the right place to start your healing journey and beginning to live our best life! Lindsay is a Mental Health Counselor in the state of Florida with 7 years of experience. Lindsay has experience in helping clients with addictions, relationship issues, and trauma & abuse. Lindsay also has experience working with intimacy related issues. Lindsay believes that you are the expert of your story and that you have many strengths that will assist you in overcoming things that challenge you. Taking the first step to sign up for therapy can take courage and Lindsay is proud of you for getting started! We all have a path that we go down in life and many times the experiences we have in life make us who we are as a person, and this also contributes to our career choices. We all have past traumas, and my traumas encouraged me to want to help others just as I had guidance on my journey. In 2009, I received my bachelor’s degree in psychology from Western Kentucky University. In 2014, I received my master’s in clinical Mental Health Counseling from Florida Gulf Coast University. I worked for Heads Counseling as a traveling trauma therapist for two and a half years. During this time, I worked with children that have open DCF cases and became certified in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. For the past, year and a half I have been working in Corrections. Corrections has expanded my experience to include working with substance abuse, personality disorders and psychotic disorders.

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

A first session is called an intake, Lindsay will gather your background information, the current issues that we would like to address and develop a treatment plan for success.

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

Lindsay feels as if her strengths consist of being a nonjudgmental, understanding and compassionate person. We all need a safe place to talk, if we cannot connect and feel comfortable with our therapist it is very difficult to make progress on our healing journey. Lindsay is good at finding other’s strengths and helping the client find the ability to make the changes needed to live a happier and healthier life. Therapy can be challenging and uncomfortable at times, but our growth comes from being uncomfortable. Lindsay will be here to support you.

About Lindsay Scoffil

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My treatment methods

Cognitive Behavioral (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely used therapeutic approach that focuses on the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It's based on the idea that our thoughts influence our emotions and actions, and that by changing negative or distorted thought patterns, we can alter how we feel and behave. Here's a breakdown of some key components of CBT: Cognitive Restructuring: This involves identifying and challenging negative or irrational thoughts and beliefs. Clients learn to recognize cognitive distortions such as black-and-white thinking, catastrophizing, or personalizing, and replace them with more balanced and realistic thoughts. Behavioral Activation: This component aims to help individuals engage in activities that bring them a sense of fulfillment and pleasure, even when they don't feel like it. By scheduling and participating in enjoyable or meaningful activities, clients can counteract feelings of depression or low mood. Exposure Therapy: Often used to treat anxiety disorders, exposure therapy involves gradually exposing individuals to feared objects, situations, or thoughts in a safe and controlled environment. Over time, this exposure helps reduce anxiety and fear responses. Skill Building: CBT equips clients with practical skills and techniques to cope with challenging situations. This may include relaxation techniques, problem-solving skills, assertiveness training, or communication skills. Homework Assignments: Clients are often given homework assignments to practice the skills learned in therapy sessions. These assignments help reinforce learning and encourage the application of new strategies in real-life situations. Collaborative Approach: CBT is typically collaborative, with the therapist and client working together as a team to set goals, identify problem areas, and develop strategies for change. Clients are encouraged to take an active role in their therapy and to experiment with new ways of thinking and behaving. Overall, CBT is a structured and goal-oriented approach that is well-suited for addressing a wide range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. It's often considered one of the most effective forms of psychotherapy, supported by a large body of research evidence.

Daialectical Behavior (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy originally developed by psychologist Marsha Linehan in the late 1980s to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). Since then, it has been adapted for various other mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse Dialectics: DBT is rooted in dialectical philosophy, which emphasizes the synthesis of opposites. In therapy, this means balancing acceptance and change, validation and change strategies, and acknowledging that multiple perspectives can be true at the same time. Skills Training: DBT typically involves skills training in four key areas: Mindfulness: Cultivating present-moment awareness without judgment. This helps individuals observe their thoughts, emotions, and sensations without becoming overwhelmed by them. Interpersonal Effectiveness: Learning effective ways to assert needs, set boundaries, and navigate relationships while maintaining self-respect and positive connections. Emotion Regulation: Developing strategies to identify, understand, and manage intense emotions in healthy ways. Distress Tolerance: Building skills to tolerate and survive crises without making situations worse, such as through self-destructive behaviors. Individual Therapy: In addition to skills training, individuals typically participate in one-on-one therapy sessions with a trained DBT therapist. These sessions focus on applying the skills learned in group therapy to specific challenges and situations in the individual's life. Phone Coaching: Many DBT programs offer phone coaching between therapy sessions, providing clients with support and guidance in applying skills in real-time situations. Hierarchy of Treatment Targets: DBT often uses a hierarchy of treatment targets, prioritizing life-threatening behaviors, therapy-interfering behaviors, and quality-of-life-interfering behaviors. Validation: DBT therapists emphasize validation, acknowledging the individual's experiences and emotions without necessarily agreeing with their behavior. This validation helps build trust and rapport between therapist and client. Behavioral Techniques: Alongside the skills training and validation, DBT incorporates behavioral techniques such as contingency management, exposure therapy, and behavioral analysis to promote change. Overall, DBT aims to help individuals build a life worth living by balancing acceptance and change, managing intense emotions, improving relationships, and reducing harmful behaviors. It's often structured, skill-based, and collaborative, offering a comprehensive approach to managing complex mental health issues.

Solution Focused Brief Treatment

SFBT is wonderful to promote positive self-awareness, focusing on a goal, planning how to obtain the goal, and how we feel after accomplishing the goal. SFBT is often used in a shorter duration of treatment.

Trauma-Focused CBT

Trauma focused CBT is as it sounds, focused on trauma and creating a trauma narrative. Most of my past work has been focused on CBT and trauma..

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz in the 1980s. It conceptualizes the mind as consisting of various "parts" or subpersonalities, each with its own unique beliefs, emotions, and motivations. The goal of IFS therapy is to help individuals understand and integrate these parts, leading to greater harmony and balance within the psyche. In IFS therapy, the therapist guides the individual in identifying and interacting with these parts of themselves. Through a process of exploration and dialogue, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of the origins and functions of these parts, as well as the roles they play in their lives. One of the key concepts in IFS is the idea of the "Self," which represents the core, undamaged essence of an individual. The Self is considered to be compassionate, curious, and able to effectively manage and integrate the various parts of the psyche. IFS therapy has been used to treat a wide range of psychological issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. It is often praised for its non-pathologizing approach and its focus on empowering individuals to heal themselves from within.