"I believe in a holistic approach to therapy so I integrate traditional talk therapy with experiential therapies that aid in better nervous system regulation, healing, and overall relief of symptoms. Experiential, brain-based healing & somatic therapies can help accelerate change and often reduce time in counseling. I specialize in biologically based healing, which assists in resolving trauma symptoms that are frozen or stuck in the body. I have training in EMDR (eye movement desensitization & reprocessing) and am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). I interweave these therapies and attachment-based support and repair into all my work with clients, which allows for a rich, gentle, connection-based healing approach. I have been in private practice for over 20 years, and prior to that time I worked in a variety of mental health settings. I see clients via telehealth. Education & Certifications: Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) Master of Psychology, The Adler School of Professional Psychology Bachelor of Psychology, Illinois State University Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB) Touch Practitioner SSP (Safe & Sound Protocol) provider
we will make sure we are a good-fit by gathering some basic information, in an informal conversational style, with no pressure... often times I will practice a basic somatic skill with them to assist the nervous system in settling and feeling more regulated. I enjoy giving hands-on skills to begin practicing!
I am attuned to my clients and empathetic, as well as highly intuitive and led by the Holy Spirit. I have extensive training in trauma, EMDR, therapeutic touch, and somatic training- all body based methods of healing, which allow a person to feel relief faster.
I work with women who have experienced trauma and complex trauma, codependency, anxiety, depression, narcissistic relationships, car accidents, medical trauma, falls, divorce, adoption, life transition, and many more issues.
***Please be aware that the calendar may not reflect the true times available when scheduling... I am working off of 2 calendars, so once you schedule a time, please send me a message through the portal to confirm that this time is ok. I will reach out either way and confirm, thanks in advance :) I meet clients where they are at developmentally and emotionally
I offer Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-focused, Biblical support, for those who desire this perspective.
I interweave gentle bilateral tapping to assist the client's brain in experiencing relief and accentuating positives during the session
I interweave and utilize Somatic Experiencing and Healing Touch during sessions to enhance nervous system regulation, coregulation, and connection