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Jennifer Bloom

Jennifer Bloom


8 years of experience

Your story, as a young adult or growing adult, matters. Your story is personal and holds your truth. As your therapist specializing in working with adults with PTSD, complex ptsd, and childhood trauma. I am here to give you the voice you deserve. Your worth and happiness lies beyond fear, feeling powerless, and confused. As an adult, your fears may cause you to feel judged, excluded, or hurt – closing you off from the world. I guide you to a place where you are seen and understood, so you can feel accepted and loved. Together, we can challenge those harmful thought patterns and help you truly feel good about yourself and your life.

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

My main goal is to get to know you better. I may ask you follow up questions that you filled out from your intake form. I also will be inviting you to ask me questions to determine if we’re a good fit to work together. I will be talking about how I incorporate feedback informed treatment where we check in after 3 sessions and your welcome to provide feedback of what’s working for you in therapy and what may have not been helpful for you so I can learn your style better. The more you tell me about you, the more I learn and make therapy approaches more suitable for you. I won’t know unless you tell me how you feel about therapy. You can be honest with me. I can take it. I would rather you tell me what I’m doing wrong so that I can do a better job at serving you. Otherwise you’re more than likely going to drop out of therapy. Together, we will identify your challenges and goals - where you want your life to be a month, six months, a year from now. Then, we'll identify options and strategies you can use to get there. You'll leave the session with a better understanding of what you're facing with an "actions I can take right now" approach. There will always be room for suggestions concerning our work together, including keeping each other accountable.

Explain to clients what areas you feel are your biggest strengths.

Imagine me as your personal chef. My goal is to get your needs met in therapy. I want to provide you with a meal that tastes delicious. If it’s not delicious even if I feel like it could be, you’re not going to want to tell me that it’s not delicious. You may clam up and pretend to like it or not show up for upcoming sessions. You may not have been in the mood for that dish even if it worked for you 3 months ago. I want to learn more about the reasoning behind that particular foods not working for you. Whether something we did in therapy didn’t feel good to you or I rubbed you the wrong way in what I said, me knowing how you feel is crucial for the therapeutic relationship to thrive. The more you feel comfortable sharing, the faster you’re going to heal and get the most out of therapy. You may have worked with therapists in the past who have invalidated you. You may have dropped out of therapy because of feeling dismissed and unheard of how the therapist responded to your situation. I want to understand more about how you truly feel about our therapy together. In order to help you get you to a better place in 6 months to 1 year from now I need to know what’s working for you and what’s not working for you. You’ll probably hear me ask you “How was session for you today? (at the end of our conversation to check in). Having an open and honest relationship with you is a core value in my practice. I understand it can take time to build a trusting relationship with a helping professional. It’s especially difficult to trust people if you’ve been through betrayal trauma in therapy from the past. I’m happy to start where you are because you’re truly the expert of your own life. I want to cater to your needs and desires to help you along your journey.

About Jennifer Bloom



My treatment methods


Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of other challenging symptoms. Brainspotting is a simultaneous form of diagnosis and treatment, enhanced with Biolateral sound, which is deep, direct, and powerful yet focused and containing.

Trauma Informed Care

Trauma-informed therapy considers the complex impact of trauma on an individual's well-being and how it shapes a person's ability to cope. Unlike traditional therapy, trauma-informed treatment integrates an awareness of trauma into every aspect of treatment while making safety a priority for clients.


Attachment-based therapy is a short, process-oriented counseling method that helps people develop or rebuild trust and express emotions. It aims to create a supportive relationship that can help prevent or treat mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. The therapy focuses on the connection between an infant's early attachment experiences with primary caregivers and their ability to develop healthy relationships as an adult.