If you've ever found yourself grappling with depression, anxiety, grief, or facing challenges in your relationship. Whether navigating tough times or dealing with complex issues, I'm equipped with the training and tools to honor your dignity and autonomy and practice cultural humility to guide you through your healing journey. Respecting your individual journey and cultural context is fundamental in my approach. I'm here to assist if you're seeking help in managing mental health concerns or relationship issues. Reach out, and let's explore how I can support you on your path to healing and growth.
Respecting your individual journey and cultural context is fundamental in my approach. I'm here to assist if you're seeking help in managing mental health concerns or relationship issues. Reach out, and let's explore how I can support you on your path to healing and growth.
Being there for my client and meet them were they are.
I use Carl Rogers analogy as a guide to my rapport with clients: "one thing I have come to look upon as almost universal is that when a person realizes he has been deeply heard, there is a moistness in his eyes I think in some real sense he is weeping for joy. It is as though he were saying, Thank God somebody heard me. Someone knows what it’s like to be me
Using CBT and other multiple evidence-based treatments such as MI and ACT, I aim to help individuals reduce their psychological distress in a non-judgmental, empathetic environment and in a journey that is based on warmth, respect, and flexibility that facilitates their ability to benefit from treatment.
Using CBT and other multiple evidence-based treatments such as MI and ACT, I aim to help individuals reduce their psychological distress in a non-judgmental, empathetic environment and in a journey that is based on warmth, respect, and flexibility that facilitates their ability to benefit from treatment.