I am looking to help you on your career journey. I can help you with things in your life that are in the way, but I love finding what you are good at and finding the right type of jobs for you. I can help you Taylor your resume/online presence to land a job you will be great at. I have been helping people with their career goals for 10+ and know what it takes in today's digital job market
We will get to know each other. You can tell me what type of job you are looking for, what experience you have, and what makes you stand out from others. We will start to develop a plan for your job search going forward.
I can help you find what you are best at and then express it through your resume. We can also work backwards and look at what jobs you would desire are looking for and Taylor your résumé that way. I will format your resume correctly so that it will get past filters and be seen by humans.
Let's focus on achieving your career goals! How this works is different now. having the experience and submitting your résumé is not simply enough! Also, post-pandemic, there are new job opportunities that exist e.g., remote positions. I have been helping people find great jobs for the last 10+ years! There is a science to it. Part of it is knowing what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for. It is about putting the correct keywords on your résumé/CV to stand out. As well as crafting the correct layout to pass filters. Even if you have a great résumé because of your wonderful experience you have earned, there is a chance it may not even get seen if you have the wrong layout! I am uniquely qualified to help you define your career goals, optimize your résumé/CV to find the correct job to achieve those goals. Once you get noticed, there is a whole Nother realm of things to deal with when it comes to interviewing. You may need to pass a phone screen and then two interviews. I will help you prepare for all of this as there is a formula to the way it works. I also strive to connect with recruiters, especially in the clinical space where I have a keen eye for talent. I know that I can help to connect great candidates with great positions and help everyone achieve their goals in 2025 and ongoing!