Jon Ugalde is a licensed professional counselor in Virginia with 10 years of experience. Jon’s clinical experience has been with those who are going through “Life’s Transitions” including those who are struggling in adolescence due to substance use or another mental health concern, college students whose mental health inhibits their success, parents working to develop their parenting skills, identity concerns (gender, sexuality, etc.), and those who are transitioning from active addiction and substance abuse to recovery and remission. Jon has additional clinical experience working with individual dealing with depression, anxiety, communication issues, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, and more.
Jon highlights what needs and desires are motivating in the moment while developing longer term motivation from the development of autonomy of self, competence of skill, and relatedness to others. Jon practices with an open, honest, and reflective counseling style that pushes clients to work to be their best and true selves through collaborative discussion, practice, and accountability.
Throughout Jon's experience he has developed an affirming, empowering, and open minded counseling style focused on collaboration that allows clients to identify problems and concerns, develop potential solutions, practice coping strategies, and maintain their progress whether they are someone who struggles with social skills (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, etc.), substance use and addiction struggles, depression, panic/anxiety, stress management, relationship issues, and life transitions.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is utilized in my practice to help identify the relationship between thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in order to determine ways to cope and stop the cycle of negative thoughts impacting our behaviors and emotions.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is used to focus on increasing distress tolerance, and working on developing radical acceptance.
Through the use of experiential activities, experiential learning concepts, and therapeutic homework clients are challenged to implement changes in their lives while reflecting on the process.
Clients are challenged to identify what their needs are, how they are being met, and how to improve the ways they are getting their needs met.
Person Centered therapy is utilized in order to allows maintain unconditional positive regard for clients, and ensure the client is feeling validated.